Finz Xie
Finz Xie
Jul 29, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear fellowship of Christ,

Please do help me to pray for my friend Jyen, she will be going to the police station reporting tomorrow and will be send into prison straight, I pray to God her case would be able to postpone due to her dad suddenly having stroke on last Sunday and was admitted to hospital now he is still unstable condition. We are writing an appeal letter to the officer and pray that the officer would be kindly enough to accept our request and allow her to postpone her case for one to two months in order for Jyen to have some times to take care of her father. At the meantime, Jyen do not have any house at all and she is homeless from Feb till now , I pray that the officer will approve our request, so she can wait for the housing board to approve her rental flat in order when she is out from prison she has a place to stay, May father have mercy on Jyen and forgive the wrongs that she has done, I pray that her father will recover soon and I place her father in your hands for your healing power to fall upon him. Father, may all these prayers will be answered and pray that this appeal letter we are writing will make a good use for Jyen though we do not know how to write anything that is so touching we only write base on the facts that she is facing right now. Father lord, nothing is impossible for you I seek for your help and mercy to let Jyen case be postpone to one or two months. I pray for your miracles on her though in our eyes we see no hope at all. Father, please give us the guidance and remove our fears in us and ensure that you will not leave us alone to handle these things.
I pray all these in Jesus mighty hands , Amen.

* dear fellowship of christ I believe in the power of prayers, please do help my friend Jyen to pray for the extention of one to two month for her case please.

Finz Xie
Mar 17, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowship of Christ,
Thanks for being there to pray for my prayer requests all these while, and oso thanks God that every of my prayers had been answered. Today I would like to pray for one of my friend ,who is just out from the prison. She has been in and out of the prison for several times and always doing illegal stuffs for her whole life since she was young. She just release last month and currently she still feeling lost and stressful, due to her family problem that she is not able to get the member of parliament permission to apply a house with her father and currently she is staying with her friend but I guess this won't be a long term basis. She currently feel so lost and helpless as she not yet got any stable job and due she is an adopted child and her elder sister who is oso adopted is not in a good term with her too maybe this is one of the reason she is not able to apply house with her not real father. She oso have cis in her oval. I have never keep in touch with this friend ever before but out of sudden after she release this time , I want to contact her and help her needs but my abilities to do anything is very limited. I guess this is God plan for her and I. I hope I can lead her to the brighter path rather she relapse again and do anything illegal and cause herself to end up in Prison again. Shall you all pray for us?
Dear Heavenly father,

I pray for my this friend, who has just release from prison last month, I pray that you will give me the wisdom to help her and oso give her the wisdom to chose the path that she really need to walk this time. I pray hard that you are there watching over her above and help her needs. I pray Father will help her to get the Member of Parliament to approve her request to apply a house with her not real father. I oso pray that Father , you will help her to find a decent stable job so that she is able to lead a normal lifestyle like the others and will not relapse again . Father, I oso pray for your healing power to fall upon her, heal her cis and keep her healthy as well to all her family member. Father , I do want to pray that if this is your plan to arrange me to be by her side please lead me the way to help her.

I pray all these in Jesus precious name, Amen!.

Please for all fellowships do help me to pray . Thanks so much really appreciate deeply.

Finz Xie
Apr 10, 2013

Prayer Request

Pls pray for me ..

Dear God,

I am now facing a problem which only you can help me. My husband is a malaysian and I am a singaporean. He comes to Singapore and work for around 1 year plus and we just get married. Yest I went to help him to apply the Permanent Residence Pass for him as now he is holding a work permit. Alot of my surrounding friends say that in order to get the Permanent Residence pass , He/She must have a high qualification and also obtain a higher income which My Husband do not have. We only will know the result around another 2 months times. And now he oso need to renew his work permit pass as is going to be due soon on June. Nowsaday, My friends say tat is very hard to renew and higher chance to get rejected. Pls Lord, help me with this obstacle that I'm facing now if this is your plan for me to be with this person. I really pray that his Permanent Residence pass will be approve so that we are able to start a family in Singapore rather than we have to seperate apart from each other and even is not the time to get the PR now please allow them to renew his work permit so that he is able to continue to work and we can re-apply for the Permanent Residence Pass again till he meet the terms . Father, I do not want to listen to them as I know only you are able to perform miracles on us. Please do not put me in hard testing and lead me the way to overcome this obstacle I'm facing now I really don't know what to do. May all these be done, In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.