My grandson did not utter a word until he was four. We learned and taught him to sign. It was not a simple path, but there is hope. My grandson is 14 now and will not hush. Every situation is different, so I will pray that your grandson finds his voice soon.
We never stopped speaking to him directly; we read to him often and exposed him to many different types of activities. I mention this because when he finally began to talk, he left us all speechless because he knew how to read. We would pick up one of his books, and he would tell us all about the story inside. So though nonverbal, he was still learning at a high rate of speed.
You aren't alone.
God bless you and your family.
Thank you so much for reminding us of how blessed we are.
I was blessed this morning when I didn't hit the car that I felt so nonchalantly cut me off at the pass.
I chose prayer over rage.
Maybe they had a family emergency or would lose their job if they were late just one more time.
Either way, I prayed for them and then just drove away from them, grateful that we both were still alive. 😍
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.
Jesus hears your needs. Look and listen as he will no doubt guide you. Remember, if you fall, our wonderful Lord will then carry you.