I have business to attend to this morning. I get such high anxiety and tend to get tongue tied when I have to do this kind of stuff. Lord, hold my hand as I walk through this day and help me to relax and be able to take care of business for this loan I so desperately need to get this old house fixed. Amen thank you my Jesus
Please join with me in prayer for my daughter. She is 2500 miles away from me and she is having a nervous breakdown, and she flat out refuses to get treatment. She is a grown woman, 38 years old. I was able to listen once I was able to talk her down, and breathe. Peace
Dear God, today is a new day. And I thank you for this gift. My son came home yesterday. Please,God, help me to remember he is mentally ill and cannot control his anger. I pray that he will learn some patience and not yell at me. Hold his hand as he walks through this day and help him make the choices that are for his best interests as well as mine. Peace
My brothers and sisters, please join me in prayer for my friend, Amanda who is expecting a new baby girl in about 3 months. Amanda's Son was shot.and later died as a result of a drug dealer going to the wrong home. The case is still under investigation. So far, no perpetrator has been found. Amanda is grieving and carrying new life. On top of all this, she and her husband had a roommate, and this guy skipped town and as a result she is short and owes back rent.She works for Goodwill and husband also has a job. And, as for my personal needs, I need to be accepted for a few programs that are geared towards senior citizens here in Pittsburgh, PA. Blessings to each and every one of you who pray and I will pray with you as well. Peace to you
Dear Jesus, help me today as today, marks one year at 4:05 p.m that my little short man, Chuck DeMeo left this Earth. I feel his presence as I write. I will try my best today to keep busy but my heart is heavy with grief. I can and will get through this day. My plan is sorting through his writings. He was a published author. Peace to you all
Good morning God, You are brought me safely to this day. Yesterday was a very good day. I was able to complete the tasks I needed to get done and I was most fortunate to meet a young lady, who walked and talked and escorted me to my destination downtown. Here I am again, dear Jesus, asking a blessing. My side porch is literally in danger of collapsing and I cannot afford to have it fixed, Since Chuck passed away last March 2, I have been struggling but You, Jesus, made me a warrior. Please bless me with the local organization to be able to help me with the necessary repairs to keep this house. My mortgage is affordable and with help, I am able, so far, to be able to pay my utilities, and personal bills. Thank you, Dear Lord and all who join with me in prayer. Peace
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