I ask for your prayer, that I am able to give my whole heart to God, I need and want to, i am still unsure how! plase pray that when I pray I know what to pray, i still have trouble on prayer and what to say!
I also ask that everything goes well in April, please pray for me!
I thank you Lord God for all that I have and for giving me the life I do have, I am thankful that my little girl can finally be happy and be the little girl she needs to be!!
i ask you to pray for me, I am going to be going over the border with my spouce and i have'nt been to the states for years, I am praying that everything works out and goes well! my little girl will be staying with family the week i am gone, please i pray for her safety and that she does ok with out me for that time!! I thank you lord god for my family and for the life i do have, that you so graciously have given me, to try again and do right this time around!
I have been dealing with my stress and anxioty for many years now, i have come to realize it will always be in my life to some extent! i have learned how to deal with it the best i can, i get very frustrated and angry that i cant finally fix it and get it off my mind like i so desperatley want! please pray for me, so that i can have this stress to where it is not wearing me out and that my day to day life is not affected as much as is it has been over the last 10 years!!
thank you
I ask for your prayer for peace and salvation, in my life! for understanding to those in my life who cannot see that i too am stuggling with my day to day problems. i am trying to be as happy as i can be, so that my girl is as happy as she can be! i ask for your prayer to help those certain people see who i really am and leave us in peace and to the others, to do as they should and forgive me for what ever i have done to them all! Amen
i need a prayer tonight, i would like to be able to take a trip to go pick up my babies things at my nieces, before she gives them away, but i am having trouble getting there! i do not know where to turn, my stuff i don't need, it's charity's that matter!! like everything else, that comes to her! please pray for me?? thank you
i ask you to pray for me today, i am waiting to go to treatment, i am praying that everything goes good, so that i can go in on friday or the latest on monday, i am going to treatment to better myself and fight this alcohol problem i have, so that me and my girl can be happy and i can be a better mommy and wife! i am will to sacrifice one month of my life and be away from those i love dearly, to get the help i need! my girl is already at my nieces, and i want to come home to her as soon as i can, and get started on this program so that i can start my new life and be the person i once was!
i ask for your prayers so that i can get into treatment asap, so i can be with my girl sooner and with kevin before he has to go back to work!
and for the strength to continue to beat this and succeed!
thank you all
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