Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith
Jan 16, 2019

Prayer Request

I was told when thanking God for the blessings He's given me to ask him to continue to bless these things. Such as family, health, my job, car and home.
I have a hard time asking God for a soulmate. I've never had a man love me. I was told to be specific in what I wanted in a man.
I pray for a man that makes me laugh, that loves me for reasons I don't know. A man who is not controlling but knows when to take charge.
I'm in my 50's and barely know how to behave with a man, but I'll not worry about that right now.
I'm tired. Tired of going it alone and having to be strong. I've had to become tough to be able to go on in this life as I've found woman are being taken advantage from car repairs to home repairs and working with men who behave like children. I don't feel like a woman, someone to be gentle with and taken care of.
Please pray for my soulmate. Someone that gets me. Someone I can love too. Someone I am so comfortable with that he has to be a gift from God. Someone who makes me feel like a woman.
The last man I dated used me for my car. I worked a corner store and chased a man out that had a gun pointed at my face. While the other ladies had their husbands and boyfriends there nightly to walk them home, mine just said he was proud of me and I had to walk home alone at night because he had my car. That changed me. That was the point where I no longer felt like a woman. I haven't been with a man since and that was over 20yrs ago.
Please pray that my heart changes, that I soften. That I'm willing to give my heart to a man who wants me. God please send me my soulmate. The one that You picked out for me. I don't want to grow old alone, die alone never knowing that experience of love.