Rosa Rubay
Rosa Rubay
Mar 6, 2020
Sa Prayed for Sa B's prayer request.
Rosa Rubay
Jan 16, 2020
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Rosa Rubay
Dec 4, 2019

Aleana, I hear your heart. And I hear you thoughts. I hear your fear. Do you believe in Love? Love is another word for God. Do you believe we all live together in this world? In this universe? In this cosmos? What about the ocean? The trees outside? In life as it is for you? Do you believe in the possibility of unexpected results? All of these questions can be answered with a "yes" or a "no". It doesn't really matter. The essence of god is everywhere present. It ( not he) is the life force of all that is. God is all Good existing everywhere. We are human, each of is spirit as well. in fact we were spirit first. Each of us is here for a purpose. Each of us has our own path to walk. The infinite Christ within each of us is here. God doesn't have a clock or a calendar. And God doesn't share more than we can handle. Every single event in our lives has a purpose for us as an individual. Some really good & some not so much. It is all apart of the whole. This is why we express living in the "Oneness" together as God's children, disciples, believers, spokesperson, purpose, messager, etc. . The Universe wants us to know that being attached allows us to learn and grow. On each of our paths we encounter many things. I am praying that you can conceive of Love, Wholeness, Life, all that is, as God. You & I are a part of God. Life is everywhere present! I prayer for your brother to conquer the fear of sickness and that you and your mother conquer your fears of loosing your brother, for he will never be truly lost. We must trust in the Divine plan for all that is, sometimes even when we can't understand the purpose. For this I express "Let Go and Let Good" do what Good needs. This is called faith. To let go and let God, knowing that we don't have all the answers. May Love bless you this day and everyday, may you be in peace no matter the outcome. May you find trust in your heart to move through this difficult time and grow above this. Let it be so, and so it is!