Joe Herron
Joe Herron
Mar 17, 2015

Prayer Request

I need prayer. I started a new job and asked off Sundays off, they agreed for most Sundays off. They scheduled me for a double, When it comes down to the nitty gritty God is really all I have! It is all we all have. I have seen it before, stop going to church then stop praying and stop reading the bible. I want to worship God on Sunday. I want to grow and I want to hear the word. Please pray that I will get Sundays off or I will get not only a better job but a job that will honor me for wanting to go to church, Do they not know that God will bless them for giving me Sundays off?????? Do they not know that many want Sundays off because they are hung over. I want Sundays off for worship and it is a commandment (yes i know it is the first day of the week but Jesus rose from eh dear on Sunday and that is why I go to church on Sunday) , and I want to grow. I have not met any man (or woman) of God that does not need to grow. I pray for the one that does not think they need to grow. I pray for the one that has quenched the hunger and thirst! Please pray that I hunger and thirst more! I want more of God! I want to give myself more to God. I want to please my Lord because I love him!
Thank you and may God bless you as you petition my request. I am truly grateful. Please pray that God will speak to them as I speak to my boss(es). Please pray that I will have the grace to speak in love and humility, (speak right). That I can set aside the emotions .
God bless.