Pam Smith Le Brun
Pam Smith Le Brun
May 29, 2019

Prayer Request

There are a few things and it is overwhelming. My health, my Mom her cataracts I am trying to help her and she waits on my stepdad so much that she is not able to keep going always in pain at that and my Dads health his heart and breathing and possible melanoma at the temple of the head. Then my stepdads health is serious not good and is wheelchair bound, my brother wont stop drinking it isn't a lot but I worry about him. My sister and her issues with the guy she is dating and wont leave, My son and his health and some other issues with his job and his fiancés health he is worried about, but my husband. I don't know what is going on. He is not himself. He has gotten to where he is name calling everyone in my family not nice words or comments and hand gestures. He hasn't ever done this and I pray for him but we are coming up on our 12th wedding anniversary next week and he is acting like this the last few months. I thought was due to pain and depression due to his last 3 surgeries and 3 more coming up. I love him and he needs help and has no one else plus being deaf is hard for him because I am not good signing to him so that is another issue. I am spread out and trying to be strong for my family and yet I cannot tell any of them of how my husband is doing. I get so mad and pop back with words and that is not me at all. I am trying to old my marriage together and do what I can for each one of them because even though we are all close my stepdad cant help my mom my sister listens to her boyfriend first for what he wants and my brother when he drinks gets an attitude and my dad has no one. My son is my only one. So I am the only one other than God. Thank you for your prayers means a lot.


Prayer Request

I have so much going on right now. My husband is bipolar and on meds but his days he is not himself I cant handle his mood swings and meanness he gives me and how he talks and acts towards me. I have been in pain for an out of align hip and tendonitis of ankle along with other health concerns and issues. He is going on the next 3 Mondays for skin cancer removals that are serious and needs cut out asap the doctor says. Instead of trying to be kind he is blowing up and calling my son names ting me to get out and no matter what I say or do Im to blame and he claims he has no problem its everyone else that has the issues. I have tried to be nice I have bent beyond what I should have helping him and being there with all his medical issues and surgeries as well as taking care of him and when I was told stay off of my foot and leg cause inflammation is so bad causing bad pains my husband said to me that's it we do our separate thing and if you want something get it yourself. It hurt like my heart was ripped out by this man I loved and wanted the old him back. Our finances are bad off I cant work and what little he gets on his disability don't even pay all the bills nor buy groceries. We are in a financial hurt about to have so much turned off and not much food. I have been praying so much and so hard but I feel maybe Im not praying right. I am trying to not lose hope and have faith just hard when it comes to how my husband has been. I have been told that the money is his not mine and I cant have my cell phone minutes cause it is his money not mine. I don't want to lose my marriage but I don't know what to do or say anymore to make it better. Please pray as of right now with so much going on I don't know what is best. Thank you and God Bless all.