Lord, relieve her of these negativity as they are not Your Design. Anonymous, God has heard your prayer but you must now believe that it is answered. His Word is just that, His Word. Accept that your battles are taken care of it. Take the Gift of a child as another Blessing in your Life. Be strong and Listen to God's answers. Amen xxxxx Blessings
Thank you for my message today Father God and please Bless everyone out there who are with You in their times of trouble. Bless them for that is their need today and Bless them always as they put their lives into Your Hands everyday. Thank you for my Blessings as I can see when You work in my life. Help me to overcome my quick judgement and unforgiveness. Those are not good points but help me to erase them forever. Be with my children and grandchildren as I beg today that your Angels will surround them in protection. Amen.
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Bless your soul, Randy - Rocky has crossed the Rainbow bridge with your love with him. Thank you for caring and loving him, that was all he wanted xxxxx Blessings