Abigail Sim
Abigail Sim
Jun 19, 2019
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Abigail Sim
Jun 18, 2019
Abigail Sim
Jun 18, 2017

Prayer Request

This is a prayer request for our youths today. I feel like we need to join hands to beseech God for our children's situation. They need to know they are very much loved, and the apple of His eyes. They also need to know that their part to play in God's work is not lesser than those of the grown-ups in their lives.

Dear Youths,

This is both a prayer and a message for you. We want you to know that you are not alone. Neither are you ignored or forgotten in God's big work across the face of this Earth.

Too often, you have been deceived by the Enemy, by even your own minds, that because of your age, you aren't enough. Your identity is not as strong or as established as your elders. That is simply not true. Spiritually speaking, you have every right to stand with us simply because God called you too.

Don't separate yourselves from the grown-ups because you think you are too young to be able to do anything serious or mighty. When God calls you, you go and follow Him with all your hearts and minds and souls. Do what He wants you to do. Forget about your inexperience and feelings of inability. You are just as loved and as needed as anyone else.

Stop trying to seek your identity in others; by relying on others to 'accept' you and validate your existence on this earth. It is not like that. Don't believe that. Don't require that. It is just a lie that the devil is trying to perpetrate amongst you. Find strength and health and identity in the Lord. This is where you stand. Your origins are in the God who is greater than anyone or anything else.

It is our heartfelt cry that you listen to this and believe it. You don't need to prove yourselves; the King Himself has already proven each one of you to be more than conquerors through Christ. So stand up, you mighty warriors, and take your place beside your parents and leaders of the community. We will all go into battle together, with Jesus as our Commander.

Rise up now, because there are other youths who need you too. Go out and help them up, the way Christ helped you up when you were low.

In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray,