Dear Heavenly Father,
I am asking people to pray with me over a neighbor who is spreading lies about me to other neighbors to make herself look good and me look bad. My husband is fighting with her constantly as I stay silent and ask God to help me with this problem, I also ask all my prayer warriors to pray with me in the name of Jesus Christ to fight this and make this problem go away. I know what my husband is doing is also wrong but God gave us free will. Because others do wrong must I? I don´t feel i have to do this but the problem still stands and i have to deal with this. I am asking God our Father to make all this tension and all of this unnecessary tension and fighting go away. My question to you Father is: What is the right way to handle this? I don´t hate this person but I do hate the enemy who is adding to this person´s behavior; this person can still be saved but if she can not be saved please remove her from my life for good! Amen
Dear Father,
I miss his little pitter patter of his little feet. The way he use to wake me up to go outside. The way he rode in my car and so proud to ride in my shopping cart. He sat up and people were just drawn to him. He had his little fan club in the dollar store crying at the door when I left him behind. The way he fluffed up when he was given a bath. Father thank you for the time I spent with my little Eddy. My life seems empty at times and my tears swell up in my eyes to know his little heart couldn´t take anymore. How I just hate leaving you behind knowing you are in the ground as I will be going home to New York without you. Thank you Father for all the beautiful memories I spent with this little guy. I can´t wait to see you again Eddy. I will be coming home someday knowing you will greet me at the gates to heaven. Father please tell me through our savior Jesus Christ on how to deal with the pain. This time I am crying knowing he left me behind. He taught me how to love and forgive even when people hurt me. I just miss him so. Amen
Just want to thank all the prayer warriors out there. I am reminded from time to time that this is a war against the unseen not people.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirtual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)
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