Please God grant me the strength to not walk out and quit this job you blessed me with today. Please allow me to not bring the negativity home to my family. I am trying, I promise. I just don't know how much more I can take. I give and I give and I feel I am failing all of the tests. I need strength in a bad way.
Please pray for financial clarity and someone from one of the MANY jobs I have applied at to call me. Please continue to pray for our court proceedings to be finished soon. Please pray that the other party's continual lies finally be brought to justice! In Jesus glorious name AMEN 🙏
I pray I find a job that is right for me. That I will eventually be able to finish my degree if that's the path God has for me. I pray for a dear family member who is fighting stage 4 bone cancer. I pray for quick court proceedings coming up. I pray for all of the people in the world.
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