Genevieve Rose
Genevieve Rose
May 13, 2021

Dear Richelle I was in the very same position as you 27years ago in fact I was so tired, I had no energy to even pray, if you have children you must take action as it will affect your children. I thought if I prayed long enough and hard enough God would heal my husband. The FACT is if he doesnt want to change nothing will make him as God gives us all free will. I joined a support group called Al-anon which is for relatives and friends of alcoholics. I made some wonderful friends and these were people I could identify with.I did that for 8years which helped me get my confidence back and also helped me identify all the things I was doing that were not helping the situation. You must learn tough love. Alcoholism is a disease just like cancer and it is important to remember that. These people are usually very sensitive and begin drinking to drown out past hurts and cover up insecurities. My husband went to AA twice, once for 6mths and once for 9 months. When Christmas or birthdays came around that was the end of it. You feel like your walking on egg shells. He was a binge drinker so every 3 weeks there was a major drama. He had the most viscous tongue and would call me every filthy name he could, I learnt very early not to respond and to stay calm. I would get my 3 children into my car to escape the terrorising he would do. I thought God wanted me to keep turning the other cheek. I was very wrong. I had my husband prayed over by a priest and turned myself inside out. We were married for 14 years but lived in seperate houses for 8 of those years. We were also apart for months at a time. When I turned 40, I had developed a choking reaction to stress and anxiety and have complex PTSD from the years of continual abuse. This is when I was numb of all feeling and took my 3 children and moved 4hrs away so he couldn't just turn up all hrs of the day or night banging on windows and doors to be let in. A child growing up in this environment has a 90% chance of going down the same path. When I realised this I knew as the responsible parent my children had to be my priority. The first night we were away I remember my 14yr old son said Mum I can finally sleep with my window open. All my children have been terribly affected and myself as well. I have cried rivers of tears because I should have had the courage to leave years before I did. By staying I caused real harm to my children. We all have mental health issues. I will pray for you. Jesus does not expect us to stay in dangerous relationships with domestic violence. The husband was made in God's image to be the protector, the provider, the example for his family to follow. We as the wife are not supposed to carry the responsibilities and all the burdens of the family. Godbless you.🙏❤💞

Genevieve Rose
May 10, 2021
Genevieve Commented on Genevieve Rose's post:

Cor 3:15 but the just man may be saved but through FIRE
Isaiah 4:4When the Lord shall have washed away the fifth from the daughter's of Zion and cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem from its midst by a spirit of judgement and a Spirit of burning.
Hebrews 12:14so therefore strive with peace for all men and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord and because we can't see God even unless we are Holy, Heb 12:14(even as Christ has died for us)
Isaiah 6,5:7
and I said woe is me for I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the King the Lord of hosts*then flew a seraphim to me having in his hand a burning coal which he had taken with tongs from the Altar, and he touched my mouth and said* behold this has touched your lips, your guilt is taken, away and your sins are forgiven 1cor3:15 If a man's work is burned up he shall suffer loss, though he himself will be saved but only through FIRE.Heb 12:13 enrolled in heaven and to a judge who is God of all and to spirits of just men made PERFECT. St Paul states that the works of the individual and the person will go through a cleansing fire, that he might finally be saved and enter into the joy of the Lord. The Lord Jesus died on the cross that our sins may be forgiven, these are the sins we carry on our souls from our ancestors that are removed through baptism. There are many sins we commit everyday of our lives, pride, envy, gluttony, selfishness, idolatry, laziness, immoral thoughts, lust, etc. 99% of us even having made a perfect act of contrition before we die, are far from perfect, because we are human and we continue to make mistakes. God's judgement is Justice, he forgives definetly but we still need to atone for every wrong choice, every person we have hurt, every good deed we should have done but chose not too.Every time we turned our back on the Lord. Everytime we failed to thank him for blessing us. Everytime we were to lazy to get down on our knees and pray to him daily. Everytime we had the opportunity to help someone but didn't. Everytime we got angry. We are imperfect humans and it is not easy to get into heaven as Jesus tells us. We must constantly work on our character defects. What we fail to atone for here we must atone for before we can enter heaven as nothing unclean can enter.After we have been purified through FIRE, not Hell where demons torment souls. We can only then enter heaven. It is unfair to teach people that Jesus died on the cross to forgive all our sins and that all we have to do is be sorry. Where is the Justice in that. If you teach that you are responsible for sending many souls to Hell. Prisoners dont get out of prison just because they are sorry, they must still attone for the harm they have caused. That is Justice.