Wendy Welch Baker

Prayer Request

God I need you more than ever now to move in my life!!! I know that I have prayed an prayed my dear God to you more than ever in my entire life in the last couple weeks even months but my God I am scared I am so worried God!! I know we r to turn everything over to you an put it out of our mines but God I just cant seem to put it out of my mind I need ur help I need you God to please help take all this worry out of my mind an my heart God! I have aloud this to consume my every thought God it has made me depressed an I dont want to socialize with anyone or go any where God!! It is not that I do not trust an believe in you cause God I know you are able to do anything you r capable of doing things that I could only imagine!! I have just worried myself to death my God!! You know all God you know what I am dealing with an you know how to take care of it!! Please my dear God please help me God please!! I know I have ask you repeatedly over an over to help with my situation God an I am sorry if you think I do not trust in you God but I do I trust you whole heartedly I just am so so worried my God an no thats not a reason to keep asking you God!! I love you an I know that with you on my side God no one or nothing can ever harm me!! Thank you God for each an everything thing you have done for me an for all you have given me God!! Thank you for each an every person God you have brought into my life the good ones an the bad !! Just please watch over me God an my family God an protect us from anything that could cause harm to us!! An God I thank you so very much for the most amazing gift of all that I have ever gotten God an that is my wonderful SON!! God he is an amazing wonderful kind hearted loving young man God just keep him safe under your wings an help him to become an amazing man God!! Thank You God Thank You !! An just one more lil thing God I think I have paid dearly for what I did in my past God yet I know that is entirely up to you weither I have paid enough or not but God could please bring someone who is kind an generous an loving into my life God someone that will love me for who I am an not want me to change or try to change me!!! I am getting tired God of doing everything alone an on my own God!! I love you God an I praise your holy name God AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!