Please pray for Nov 8, we need to have our country back. These are scary times...please pray! Also please pray for good health for all. Pray for our brave troops and our country. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray that my Mother in law for Thanksgiving will be healthy enough to join her niece for thanksgiving. Pray that tomarrow me and my daughter and I will have a very safe trip to San Francisco.
Pray that we also all have a very safe thanksgiving. pray for all that we are ALL stay healthy! Pray that our country be SAFE!! Thank you and God Bless!
Please pray for my friends granddaughter and grandson they are going through health issues. Please for better days for them and be healthy and happy. Please pray for my mom in law that she will get stronger. She fell down the other day. Pray for my neighbor she's not doing too good the she will get better.. Just pray for our country.pray for good health for all. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray that my husband and I have a safe and sound road trip we have drive about 400 miles, to to get our place...please pray that all my friends and family have goodhealth...pray for our country that we will get through all these trying times. Pray for m daughter that she will be happy and healthy 🙏❤ just pray and pray thank you God bless you and America.
Please pray for my brother, he been having some hard times with health issues and mental well being, pray that he will get the help that he needs. pray for his son, that he is not lying about drug used and he not with the bad news girlfriend anymore. PRAY for my daughter that her new place at her job, they will give her the hours that she wants. and she will be much happier pray for ALL FOR GOOD HEALTH! pray FOR OUR BRAVE TROOPS AND OUR COUNTRY! also our WORLD. THANK YOU GOD BLESS
Please pray that my daughters company will let her take the time off, to go to my parents memorial. my family needs everyone supports. we are completely heartbroken, please pray. Please also pray for our country pray for all for good health. Thank you and God Bless.
Please that my husband and I have a safe and sound of a road trip. And that Everything will be good. Please pray for my daughter she will be on a road trip too. Pray that her and her boyfriend will be safe. Please pray that we all have good health that is so important. Pray for our country we really do some prayers REAL BAD! We are living in scary times we need to come together, please pray for our troops too. Thank you and god bless AMERICA.
Please pray for my Mother in law she is 94 today, please pray that she will feel better and enjoy life. and she will have a good day today! Please pray for my daughter that she will not have covid and she will feel better! Please pray that my husband will have a good clean bill of health. pray that we will have safe and sound road trip in a couple of weeks and everything will go good! Please pray for all for good health FOR ALL and our country! OUR WORLD! Thank you God Bless!
Please pray that we will have a safe and sound road trip. Everything will go well and be safe. Please pray for ALL for good health. This is the most important thing. Pray for our country and our brave troops. And most of all our world, too many wars. pray for peace. Thank you God Bless and America.
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