My grandson, Tanner, age 14, is living with his father in an emotionally abusive relationship. His father is verbally abusive to the point of being cruel. They have isolated him from most of his family. His father's girlfriend is cruel to Tanner and screams at him. Tanner has lived a hard life with his mother as well. Please pray for him for peace, coomfort and his well being. Pray for God's perfect peace and protection. I love Tanner and it is so difficult to watch without being able to do anything about it.
My daughter K. needs prayer, She has a hearing tomorrow to determine if her 13 yr old son should live with his father. It is messy and the father is being vindictive and trying to make K look bad. She is struggling emotionally. It is hard enough to lose custody of her son, but she is crushed by the lies and she cannot afford a lawyer. The father has a lawyer and is making sure she knows. I ask for prayer for K to be ok and for my grandson in the midst of this also.
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