I need prayer for my elderly mother. She is very weak with no strength in her legs. She can only walk very short distances inside the house with her walker. She has a lot of pain in her back as well. She is deeply depressed & is talking about not wanting to be here any more. Thank you, & God Bless.
Continued...had a fat finger fumble & accidentally pressed post comment, lol. Even on our darkest days, there is always something to be thankful for...our pets, sunshine peeking in, hot & cold running water, etc. Tell yourself, " One more day. I can hang on for one more day." Then keep going. Write a big X or smiley face on a calendar to show what you've accomplished. Look for support groups on Facebook for things to help. It's great therapy & free! I will be praying for you. 🙏
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.
I always ask God & my Guardian Angels to show my eyes when I need to find something. I pray you find your retainer.