Maria Arroyo
Maria Arroyo
May 28, 2018

Prayer Request

Please pray for my daughter and grandson that she finds happiness and true love and that her baby’s father stops harassing her. This man put my daughter thru all the emotional abuse before, during delivery, and after giving birth the baby’s father put my daughter throu. I almost literally lost my daughter bc of the high blood pressure and right after she gives birth bc she was going to come home with me so I could help take care of both, The father started threatening to take baby away and that she’d never see him. I have seen my daughter go thru physical and emotional pain that NO mother wants their child go thru.
My daughter has done a great job so far raising, nurturing, loving, and supporting the baby in the 8 months without any financial or nurturing support from father. Even through all the BS , We have been more than open minded when it concerns this issue, allowing the father to visit Baby whenever he wanted, of which My daughter has to plead for him to come see his son. Now yesterday he was supposed to come in the morning to pick up Baby, but instead showed up after 2:00 pm. Bc I haven’t been feeling well, I wasn’t able to stay w the baby. My daughter told baby’s father that she be back to pick him up in the early evening. She called n txtd both His sister and him and no response... My daughter goes to Sisters house and father opens door and tells her to go away or he would call police...His sister was by the door w Baby and turned her head.... My daughter was in tears and her breasts full of milk...she just wanted to nurse him. IF I KNEW ALL THIS BS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, I WOULD NOT HAVE ALLOWED FOR THEO TO GO WITH HIS FATHER. ITS ODVIOUS HE WANTS TO KEEP PUNISHING MY DAUGHTER. I don’t know what to do and am broken with grief. Please pray that the powers that be make this man return the baby to my daughter unharmed. Allow his special Guardian Angels to watch and protect him and keep him safe out of harmsway. In Jesus name Amen