Angela Cheever
Angela Cheever
Apr 7, 2016

Gods Message and miracles

In the last few days God has found a way to get to me.. I havent used this account in a while and this is what just happened. I have been researching some things on facebook to start a bussiness I started a course yesterday that requires market research. Any how It is a 16 week course In one day I completed the first week's material and bought two domain names. I got on FB today and I was in the top search bar researching different subjects... all the sudden the computer froze it wouldnt let me click on anything and the screen started flickering and without me touching anything It came to this page and it said I had a new message. There is no way it should have came to this particular page on its own.. It had to be a miracle.. also yesterday I went to have some blood work.. I went to the large lobby and sat down they had magazines everywhere alot of them and as I sat down I looked to my right and there was a stack of magazines and a book there...there were no books anywhere so natually I picked it up and Its a small book called the prayer of Jabez "Break Through to the Blessed Life." It looked as though some one had left behind.. No as this happend today.. I know that God wanted me to find the book and also slow down and let him take control and just be patient... Both these things happened right after I put a tithe (which I havent done in years now" in the mail box to a church that has been sending me letters through the mail for the last few months that contain sealed letters that "say on envelope " Message from the Lord." For any one that doesnt believe in divine intervention or miracles I can Testify that it is real. God Bless and pray for me."