Need prayers to pass driver's permit test so I can get driver's license and start driving my Toyota Corolla also pray for my man and I are relationship is Rocky we been together for a few months we been together all summer pray we will have a better relationship and we will trust each other and have respect like when we first met
I walk four miles everyday to get to work and back I have car legally can't drive yet pray I pass the driver's test and manuverability test so that I can start driving my car to work also pray I get better at work u need a passing score of 23 and above pray that u will get this full time position at work I need favor to get it
My job is in jeopardy Im close to getting suspended I can only keep job for year and always get let go I am not financially stable been fighting my social security claim the next step is court im on the waiting list for social security pray I will get at the top of the list and that I will win my claim.
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