Dear God, I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love. I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties, and fears about money, and replace them with faith. I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life without overspending. Amen 🙏 xx
Dear God, please I need help to stop my nose bleeds and prevent me from dying of a heart attack and shortness of breath. I wish get better and get to work soon so I can help my family and save money. Please I plead you to help. Love always sent to heaven especially my loved ones. Last night I prayed to my grandad Steve about kizzy bringing it up which I wasn’t happy about it so was my grandad Steve wasn’t happy at all with kizzy with all the trouble she gave me and my family. Amen 🙏 xx
Dear God, please allow me to continue strong and let me be with my family and allow my family for forgiveness for the past especially my step grandad Tony and uncle Anthony and allow them to speak to me. I wish to be with family for each other day and birthdays and Christmas and New Years. Amen 🙏
I will my lord. I will stop and listen. I will manage to budget and not over spend money on things I don’t need. I will save money for food, rent, phone bills and Netflix and gifts for my family and help them in need of money where necessary. I will love unconditionally to my family also. Amen xx
Dear god. Thankyou for your continuous support. I will be able to breathe now especially when I get pissed off with kizzy (sorry for bad language). Today I managed as you know that I walked away from situation to stop getting any more warnings where I’m living. Amen x
Dear lord. I want you to make sure I make it to heaven when my time comes. I pray for the ones who are suffering with covid19 and to make sure they comeback alive when this all ends. I pray that the pandemic shall end by June 18 and all will go back to normal daily lives and I with work and see my family and foster family as well as work. Lastly I pray for me to not get anymore warnings and police involved especially the ones who anger me (kizzy) and for her to leave by next month or so after pandemic. I also pray to get a flat soon by next year. Amen 🙏 xx
Dear lord. Please protect my family, Colebrook friends staff, Vanessa and Helen. And my foster family. And I also from harm and violence in these upcoming months and years and for my work also. I want my home to be a better life without a druggy living here and hoping that staff will get on board with her lies etc. for getting me angry and classing me as a liar. When all I do is protect my life and myself. Amen 🙏 xx
I will my lord. Thankyou for understanding my prayers from today and 4days ago. I will fight to succeed in life to be a better person. I will not let my anger get myself into prison. I’m going to concentrate on work, family and my achievements. I will also do another prayer after brushing my teeth and I will pray like I did for repent for my sins. I will not let kizzy or people like kizzy even though I know it’s wrong to do and against the law by telling the truth to police and Colebrook staff from last night event. I will not let kizzy get in my way and if she does. I’m going to listen to church music and pray and won’t let her push me down. Amen xx
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