Anonymous smith
Anonymous smith
Dec 10, 2020

Prayer Request

This is a really urgent prayer that I need for myself and my children. I have a 4 year old son who he’s low spectrum autism, and 4 month old daughter both with different dads . The “man” im With now is who I had my daughter with . He’s an alcoholic & a narcissist. He’s very mean and hurtful with his words towards me and my son. My son is a picky eater and he punishes him for it and makes him feel bad about himself for not eating foods he doesn’t like . My boyfriend is currently on probation and because of covid he gets away with everything .. when he takes a drug test he takes a detox drink so he can pass and he does pass. His probation officer doesn’t ever work only works on thursdays which is tommrow thank god , but I need the prayers and strength to call him tommrow & tell him the truth about what’s really going on with my boyfriend. He’s not even my boyfriend . I’m done with him . I don’t like how treats my baby boy.. he needs to go to jail and stay in jail. He says so many foul and disgusting things about me and my family and my son it’s insane .. I’m tired . I can’t do this anymore , I can’t deal with his drinking everyday, empty promises , his lies, gaslighting me , manipulation .. I just can’t do it. So if I can please get prayers to get out of this abusive relationship that would be so appreciated , I’m calling his probation officer tommrow . Hopefully they can arrest him without me or the kids involved or witnessing it . That way he can stay away forever .. and that way he can stay away from us .. I deserve better .. my son deserves so much better .. and my daughter to . It’s awful the things he’s said and done the damage he ha caused . Please send positive vibes and love and prayers and most importantly strength. Thank you & god bless . Amen