Please pray that God will remove from my life anyone who is truly not a friend to me. I constantly find myself attached to people who are toxic, disloyal, deceptive and the bearer of untruths. I pray that God would draw me to the right people and that he would help me to learn to trust again. I pray for good, loving, kind friends who truly care about me. Thank you; your prayers are so much appreciated.
Please pray for A., she is constantly angry at me & has been for the past 5 years. She has the majority of my family not talking to me, as she is forever trashing my name. This is very hurtful to me, yet I continue to press on keeping my eyes on Jesus and not her. When she does cross my mind I will admit it makes me very sad. I know how controlling and unforgiving she can be, as I have know her my whole life. She can get angry in a flash over things that would not matter to most people, Please pray for this; God bless you.
Please keep me in your prayers; I am feeling very low, sad and to the point of feeling depressed. Please pray that God will vindicate me from all lies and deceitful people; I feel like I have such a stronghold on me and just cannot seem to shake it loose. Thank you so much; God bless you.
Please pray for BJ, Wayne and Ben; all are drug/alcohol addicted and need to know the Lord Also, I pray the Lord would install a speck of truth in BJ; sadly, it appears she tells the truth about nothing. I know part of this is her low self-esteem. Thank you so much for praying & God Bless you.
I am praying for peace in the world and Godly leaders who love Jesus and will follow his Godly direction. I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus wants unity between his children, he does not want all the controversy going on now. We need to stay in prayer over our country and its leadership; please pray for peace and unity among God's people. Thank you so much.
Please pray for Brenda; a woman who needs to take her eyes off the ways of the world and put them on our living God. Please pray for Brenda, as she is one lost and troubled soul. My earnest prayer is that she would repent and come to really know the Lord. Thank you for your prayers.
I am asking God to heal me of my health issues; I pray a healing for anyone I know & love. God keeps moving people out of my life; please pray that he would replace them with good, honest Christian friends that I can have a Godly relationship with. Right now feel very lonely, I would love to have a special friend to talk to. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
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