Finz Xie
Finz Xie
Nov 8, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowships of Christ,

Today I would like to thanks those who pray for my friend Jyen for her charges to drop and Thanks God that the prayer has been answered. On the 10th Nov, she will be attending her court hopefully she get the lightest sentence for her case. Today I would like to pray for her and her dad who is in the hospital now. Please do help me to pray too.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thanks for the blessing for my daily life and also thanks father for blessing my family, my friends and my loves one with a healthy and wealthy life.
Thanks you father, for helping my friend Jyen with her charges that she is facing previously and now the charges has dropped.
Today I would to pray for her court case on the 10th Nov, 9.30am at court 13. I pray that she will get the lightest sentence for her current charges. I pray that father will forgive her wrongs , be leniency and help her with her sentence. Father, I also like to pray for Jyen's father who was admitted to the Changi Hospital on the 24th November again. This time his condition is quite bad as doctor say that he has a lungs infection and his blood is low. The antibiotics that the doctor has given him do no help at all and is in a critical stage. Doctor are still deciding whether to let him take a stronger antibiotics but worried that his body is not able to take it.
Father, Jyen's father is already at the age of 76 please do not put him to hard testing .. Father, I pray that by your healing power you are able to save him. Father, do prolong his life till Jyen release from prison. Please do not take him away at this time. Father, Jyen only left her father as the only kin I really worried she might not be able to take it should anything happen to her father when she is serving her sentence in the prison.

Father, I placed this two person in your hands please take the total charge of them . Father, I know that you perform miracles in our life please do perform miracles on Jyen's father health condition and heal him lord. I pray all these with your willings and mercy, In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Finz Xie
Oct 27, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowships of Christ,

Please kindly help me to pray for my friend Jyen who will be attending a conference with the judge tomorrow at 2.15pm for her case. The legal aid scheme that she apply is not approve, she has not lawyer to represent her . I will be writing an appeal letter to the judge later and will faxing over, I pray that Father will give me the guidance to write this letter and may its helps to drop her charges that against her right now.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thanks you for being there always when I need your help and lead me to walk the right path. Thanks you father , for giving me the strength and patience to take care of Jyen's father at the hospital during the past months. May you continue to bless her father with strong and good health till Jyen is release.
Father, Jyen's application for the Legal Aid Scheme is not approved that means she has gone through all these by herself as there will be no lawyers to represent her. Father, I really want to help her , so I have decided to send an appeal letter to the judge later . I pray that this letter will able to help her to drop her charges and able to get the leniency sentence for her case. Father, I really pray that her import & Exporting charge will drop to possession and they are able to con current her two consumption charges.
Father, please give me the wisdom and guidance to type out this letter so that I am able to help her. Father, please mercy for her , she has already realize her mistake and really need you to be there to help her.
Father, please be there by her side throughout her whole conference with the judge at 2.15pm . I put her in your hands please take the full charge of her.

May all these be done in your will and mercy, in Jesus precious I pray, Amen!

Finz Xie
Oct 8, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear fellowships of Christ,

Tonight I feel very troubled and I need a prayer from you all please do help to pray for my dear frenz Jyen and give me some peace...Jyen will be attending her court tomorrow for her charges I hope that her charges can be drop and her bail amount can be reduced. Let 's pray for her...

Dear Heavenly father,

Thank you for each day u give me and blessed my family and me with a healthy and wealthy life. Today, I would like to pray for my friend Jyen father...
Father, Jyen will be attending her court tomorrow at 9am..I pray father that you will be with her throughout the court hearing... give her the courage and reduce her fear to prepare herself for the hearing...
Father, I placed her in your mighty hands please take the full charge of her. I seek for willings and mercy to help her father...
I pray for her that you will perform ur miracles on her that the charges against her will drop to the most lightest charge for her sentencing.. Father, you know very well that currently the charges against her that she is facing right now will make her sentence to almost 8years imprisonment please have mercy on her father... I seek for ur forgiven father... currently, her poor father still in the hospital not yet recover from 21st July until now due to stroke.
Father, I really pray for your willings, you can see and feel Jyen heart, really if is true that she really will change this time, i pray you will forgive her for her wrongs and help her to drop her charges in order to give her the lightest sentence for her case.
Father, I also pray for her bail amount to be reduce to the sum we can afford to give,when you tink that she is ready to be bail. I pray that without any obstacles we can bail her out successfully..
Father, I. Pray that you will continue to bless her father with a strong and good health to wait for Jyen to be release from prison.
Father, tomorrow jyen will call her dad and only one call is allowed may they are able to talk to each other smoothly.
Last, father please give me strength and wisdom make me strong to help Jyen and her father! outside whenJyen is still in the prison

I pray all theses in ur mercys and for ur will to be done, in Jesus name, Amen"

Finz Xie
Sep 11, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowships of Christ,

Please help me to pray .Tomorrow is my 1st time visit Jyen in Prison for her remanding. I thank though this is only one time visit I really pray that after this visit, my appeal for requesting to visit her in future and able to be the visit card holder will be approve.
Her father is suffer from stroke that won't me anybody to visit her in future if my request for visit her in future is not approve. Friends are often very hard to get approval so now I would like God to perform miracles on it.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thanks for the pleasant day and thanks for blessing my family with healthy and wealthy life, here Father I have a prayer request. Tomorrow is my 1st time visit Jyen in Prison and thanks that you have give me this chance to visit her. The officer told me I only approve to get one time visit her only currently and if I still want to visit her I have to write in to them and get approval. Father, I really pray that I am able to be the visit card main holder and I will write in to them and get approval for my future visit with her after my visit tomorrow.

Father I seek for you help to give me the knowledge and wisdom to write this letter, and by your will I am able to get the approval to visit her in future smoothly.
Father, I really pray that at this time while she is in the prison serving her sentence I am able to help her outside and able to update her of her father condition.
Father, please give me the abilities to look after her father whom is still in the hospital due to stroke. Please bless this person with a healthy and strong body so that he is able to wait till Jyen to release.
Father, I also pray for your leniency to Jyen case. Father, I would like to ask for your forgiven and mercy for Jyen.
Father , I pray that her case will get the lightest sentence and pray that her import exporting charges can be drop .
Father, I pray that her bail amount to be reduce to the amount that we are able to afford to bail her out on her next court day which is on 09 Oct .
Father,, please do let us bail her out when you tink she is suitable to be bail .
Father, as for me I feel veri excited to see her tomorrow and at the same time I feel worry and fear. I tink because she has misuse my trusts for the 3rd time and I still dun know how to face this person which I really trusted her in the past.
Father, please remove my negative feelings and also Father, please let me have trusts in her again that she really will change for the better this time.
Father, I pray that I am able to have the abilities to guide her and lead her to walk the right path when she is release. Father , please give me the wisdom and abilities to give her the best motivations and supports that she need .

I pray all these in your mercy and your willing to be done, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!