Finz Xie
Finz Xie
Aug 31, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowships of Christ,
Please help me to pray for my frenz Jyen. She is now in prison for remand. Tomorrow is her bail review whether her bail 100K will be reduced. I would like to pray that her bail are able to reduced less than 50K as her family only have this much. If she is able to be bail she can continue to take care of her dad whom is still in the hospital.
Dear Heavenly father,
I pray father for your mercy and forgive Jyen for the wrongs she had done. I Pray father for her bail review tomorrow. I pray that her bail will be reduced to less than 50K and the amount that we can afford to bail her out. Father, I know her case bail if reduced the most only can reduced to 50-70K that why right now i pray that you will perform miracles on her. Father, these few days i have been visiting her dad in the hospital without her. There are some hospital stuffs only the kin of him can do. Her elder sister did not bother abou their father and never visit him at all. Only Jyen care abou him, and now she is in the prison.
Father, may you think that bailing her out is the right thing to do for us, may u blessed us that we can bail her out successfully. Father, please have mercy on her drop her case charges n reduced her bail amount.
Let us bail her out and let her continue to take care of her dad.
Father please give me the guidance and wisdom to help out the situation and able to have the abilities to take care of her dad.
Father, I pray all these will be done in ur will s and your mercy, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Finz Xie
Aug 29, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear fellowships of Christ,

My friend Jyen was been charge to court yesterday with a station bail of 100K. Her family are not able to afford this amount to bail her out, but she have request from court to reduce her bail amount. Whether it will be approve have to wait till next Monday 1st Sept. Right now, I am oso going to send an appeal letter to the judge for reducing her bail amount and her case charge. Before I fax over, I need yours prayer and hope it will do some help with this appeal letter. Is not a very fantastic appeal letter in fact are all broken english and are all from the bottom of my heart.
Dear Heavenly father,

Please do give me some guidance to help Jyen with her case right now. I pray that God will help me with the appeal letter I am going to send and pray that it will bring some help to her case charges and reducing her bail amount of 100K to half of it or lesser than half. We really cannot afford this amount to bail her but we really pray that she is able to be bail out so that she can take care of her father whom are still in the hospital. Father , I do not know what plan you have for her and what are the things you want me to help her. I pray for wisdom and understanding and have the patience to wait for your answer. Father, I placed Jyen in your mighty hands , Please be there for her and remove her stress , fear all negative thoughts,. Father, please do help her with the situation now and give me the guidance and wisdom to help her.

Father , I pray all these in Our willing and mercy, In Jesus name I prayed, Amen!

Finz Xie
Aug 27, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear fellowships of Christ I would like to have a prayer request , my friend Jyen Lim will be going to court tomorrow for her case as she was caught for drugs at the singapore custom during june time. She is just a consumer and her case was postpone till tomorrow cause we have appeal for her station bail to be extended due to her father suffer from stroke and admited to the hospital.
Though we still requesting for her bail to be extended but the officer decided to charge her today. Actually she was recommended to Drugs rehaliation centre for 18months but today the officer is going to charge her at trafficking which i feel is unfair to her .she got nothing at all only just an instrument when she got caught.she never even traffic any drugs as she is just a consumer. The director of the CNB decided to charge her trafficking bcoz her case was postpone too long. She extended her bail due to she need to take care of her father in the hospital for good purpose..The case officer still tell her that if she need to be court bail tomorrow she need to prepare for 100K which is a large sum of money that we cannot affordable to bail. i hope that you can pray for her that that she get her fairness in her charges and her charges will drop from trafficking to the one she deserve . Oso pray that her bail amount will not be 100K as is mention and we are affordable to bail her out tomorrow. Her father is still in the hospital in an unstable condition she need to be bail to take care of her father. I believe god perform miracles and i believe the power of prayers. May god perform miracles on her. I pray god will give her the right justice for her case tomorrow and will not allow those officers giving her the wrong charges she have to beg. Please... i reali need this prayer badly.
Thanks for your help

Finz Xie
Aug 24, 2014

Prayer Request

Dear fellowships of Christ,

I feel very troubled recently as I know my friend Jyen will be going to prison soon on this coming 27th August as what her case officer has told her unless her superior allow her to extend due to her dad condition. I feel very stressful for her as her father still in the hospital due to stroke and condition is still not very stable yet. Recently, her dad might due to fit and nearly cannot be awake for around 2hrs of calling. I hope to gather of all of urs prayers and pray for her that her case officer superior will allow her to extend her bail on this coming 27th August till her dad condition is stable then she can serve her sentence peacefully.
let pray for her and her dad now...

Dear heavenly father, I know you are the God of healer, I put Jyen dad in your hand, please heal him and prolong his life. May he is able to recover from his stroke soon and able to get down from his bed to walk again. May his health is as strong as he is in the past. Father, please do perform miracle on him at his age at 72 now as Jyen is going to serve her sentence imprison soon and pray father will have mercy on him . I know that anything should happen to her dad, Jyen will relaspe and fall again , I pray father by your healing power save her father life. I put all my trust in you as i know you are our saviour and you heal thousands million of people out there. I believe nothing is impossible for you.
Father, as what Jyen case officer hav told her that on this 27th August she will be send to prison unless the superior is wiling to accept her appeal for extend her bail. Father , I pray that you will help her, May the superior will allow her to extend her bail till her father condition get better so that she can serve her sentence peacefully.
Though right now she is under my care but I dun have much abilities to help her needs at all. All i can do is look after her, give her a shelter for time being. I pray for your guide and wisdoms to let me help her till she is able to have the determination and courage to face whatever obstacles for her. I know now she is feeling lost and don't what to do . Father, please have mercy on her as u can see that she is really trying her best to change her life to become better.
Right now i am her pillar that she can depend on so I need your guide very much. Father, I pray her bail can be extend on the 27th August, and the superior will approve her request to let her extend till her father condition is stable enough.
May all these be done in Jesus Mighty name, Amen!