Finz Xie
Finz Xie
Sep 9, 2015

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowships of Christ,

I would like to seek for a prayer. Today, i woke up i feel that i just want to shut everything down and isolated myself. I feel very hopeless and upset for my broken relationship recently. Today all my friends try to contact me or send me messages i just dun feel like talking to anybody. Please help me to pray for peace.. Dear Heavenly Father, today I woke up i felt hopeless, lost and depress. I've been thinking of my relationship with my bf which has broken up lately. I pray that father will be able to mend it back again and I really doing cherish this relationship very much. I know he is not worth for me but i still want to try please do give me the wisdom and knowledge and lead me the way to mend it back again. i have been crying everyday ever since we have broken up, Father, please save this relationship of mine, give me the hope that I need now. All my friends surrounding me keep telling me to let it go and give it up and say all kinds of negative words to me. Father, I believe that even the situation seem not to be possible but I know that u are the Mighty God and nothing is impossible for u.

Father, I cannot find any peace today and I feel really very sad and heart broken. I know he has hurts me several times but i am willing to forgive him. Father, please do perform miracle for the patch of this relationship of mine. Father i really love him for who he is and willing to go through the thicks and thins with him. I pray that he oso know how to cherish our relationship as well.

May all these be done in your will and mercy, In Jesus Name , I pray Amen.

Finz Xie
Apr 17, 2015

Prayer Request

Dear Fellowships of Christ,

I would like to seek the power of prayers from you all. Recently, I have a big quarrel with my bf Sunny. All these while he has given me a lot of chances to change my attiudes but I never realize it at all. The efforts I put in this relationship, is not really what he wanted, and I came to know all the mistakes only now. He told me is too late and we are over. Is my fault, not to realize it at the beginning, if I would realize it earlier, I don't think we have so much quarrels and arguments. He wouldn't even wanted to give me a chance to repent from my mistakes bcoz he say that he has given me alot of chances and is over limits already. I really dun know what he wanted me to change is my attitudes, seriously,,,I really cherish this relationship with him, and I really regretted that I did not change my attitudes on time. Everyday, I'm crying and feel guilty at heart, bcoz is my faults. I want to save this relationship but I dun know what to do.
All I know is pray to God ask for help, but then during these time I dun see any hopes and losing my confidence, feeling fear that I really not able to save back this relationship... A lot of mix Feelings... That why today I really need the power of prayers.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for each day you give me, and blessing my friends, my love ones and my family with a healthy and wealthy life, right now I would like to pray for my relationship with Sunny. I pray Father could help me. Father, each day I am losing hope and confidence and feeling fears inside me that I am not able to save this relationship. Father, I know is all my faults and I really pray that he is able to give me a last chance for me to make up rights. I came to realize my mistakes at this late and I really feel regrets for what I have done , Father. Father, please give me the confidence that I need, and give me the wisdom and knowledge to save this relationship with him , Father. Remove the unneccessary fears and negative thoughts, created by the evil,
Give me the confidence to believe that what ever I pray , You will answered. Thanks God that over this few days I send message to him he has never replied, and yet today he finally replied me. The answer I get from him is not really I wanted, is pulling me down more Father. I been having negative thoughts and fear that I might really losing him . Father, please perform your miracles on this relationship, and help me to save this relationship. Please oso help me to change to a new person and take away all my bad attitudes. Father, I really pray that Sunny is willing to open his heart one more time, for me to repent my mistakes and let him love me again.. I put my relationship in your hands, please take the full charge of it.
I pray all these in your mercy and your wills to be done, in Jesus name i pray , Amen!