Christoph Daniels

Prayer Request

My life has turned into a dead end street. I have nowhere to go. I'm 38 years old and I have to live with a father that I can't stand. My finances are a wreck. My business is not growing. It's stagnant. Getting my finances to grow is the only way out of this. I've made a lot of mistakes, and I'm not proud of any of them. I have asked The Lord to forgive. I'm turning my back on the things that caused me to wreck my finances to begin, which I admit was a mistake. Girls hate me and will not date me. Never will give me a first or second glance. I try to reach out to them. They shun me and go out with the worst guys they can possibly find. My heart is broken into a million pieces and more, and my station in life seems as if it is never going to change. I know that I have messed up, but the tragic things that have happened to me aided in sending me in the wrong direction. I've failed God, but have told Him how sorry I am. Yet, I have to continue to live in torment and extreme emotional anguish everyday because of these things and there is no hope of any of these problems resolving themselves. It seems as if this is what my life was always meant to be like. As for the girls, I have had to live with the horrible way they have treated me since I was in the 7th grade. They refuse to go out with me even though I have tried to be as kind and helpful to them as I possibly can. I never mistreat or disrespect ladies. Why do I have to continue to live in these circumstances when I have admitted that I have sinned and asked for forgiveness? Please pray for me.