So lately there is a disconnect with my mind and body. The 2 are not one unit. I feel lost and have depression and anxiety from a career move I made. Selfish or unselfish I left my old job for the new one which paid more. A better move for my family but not a better move for me. I am suffering on the inside. I am lost in the dark and can’t find my way out. I feel like quitting. I know this is not me but I don’t know what to do
Tonight while taking out the trash I sensed someone was near. You know the feeling you get when you body senses something. I turned and saw the image of my mother who passed away 14 years ago. It was for a quick second but there she was with her blond hair and white dress. She has never visited me outside of a dream. It freaked me out to be honest. For weeks I’ve been wondering wanting to see her speak to her, needing her advice so bad but nothing has happened. As I reflect i take it as a mother’s love for her children is limitless. Even in heaven she is watching over me.
I lost my mom 14 years ago to cancer. Some days are better than others but lately I’ve been thinking a lot about her. Missing her so much at times it’s hard to breathe. Needing her advice and not being able to get it pains as well. Is it wrong to wanna let go? Am I wrong for wanting to let her go because I know I haven’t healed. Am I a bad person for wanting that
Dear Lord. I suffer with arthritis due to my club feet. As I get older at times ankles swell up for no reason. I take the precautions to avoid this from happening but at times it’s just so painful. I’m so sick of it and wonder why me? Please let this go away so I can enjoy my life and play with my kids pain free
I’m having a hard time with some things in my life and the one person that can offer me comfort and words of encouragement has passed a long time ago. I wish there was a way to speak to her and tell her what’s bothering me. Only she can seem to understand what I’m going through and offer me some comfort
I pray for gods protection for the health and safety of my children and wife. I ask god’s forgiveness for my sins and ask for continued guidance to help me be a better husband and father. And I also pray I have the strength for my new job and allow myself patience and understanding that I understand how to do my job and help those that I serve.
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And I ended up losing that job in December.