I’m knocking your humble hearts to pray for the safety of my family and the fast recovery of my Mom. I’d like to ask your prayers for my fellow Filipinos for the safety in Taal’s volcanic eruption possibility. Let us pray together for the safety for the entire world who is suffering for Corona virus and may this disease be put into an end. Let us all unite and aim for a better place. Let us all keep the faith!
Dear Lord. Thank You for giving us the power to live. I'm Glad that you've share a life to everyone. Thank You for that. I'm also happy that My Parents are there for me always and thank you for giving them unto me. I appreciate it so much~ Lord God, Thank you for the Strength, Knowledge, Your Infinite Guidance, For giving us Good Health, Your Love that makes everyone felicitous and fastidious. Thank you for everything. I'm lending gratitude unto you.
God Almighty, I'm asking for an apology for those people I've hurt. I'm also sorry for all the mistakes I've done. I'm sorry. I'm trying to get rid of it with the help of you of course. I hope expectantly that you can forgive me. Sorry~
Papa Jesus, I hope that all the blessings that were experiencing right now will continue until the end of time. I hope there'll be PEACE and RESPECT in our mother Earth. I'm begging for you God Almighty. Thank You for Everything~ Iloveyou with all my heart~
To my Dearest God Almighty. Another Day to Thank you. Thank you for EVERYTHING. I'm happy that I"m still Alive and Kicking! Thank you for giving us a LIFE to accomplish our MISSIONS here in our Mother Earth. We'll do our BEST to be a Functional human beings. Thank You for giving me a Kindhearted and Benevolent parents. I love them so much. Thank you for the Strength, Knowledge, Good Health, Your Guidance, and the L-O-V-E. Thanks a lot. I OWE my Life to you. Thank You for giving me benignant companions that I can rely on. I love them all as well you My God Almighty. :)
God. I'm sorry for those people I've hurt the most. I'm sorry because of my attitude that I'm acting upon a situation. I know sometimes I made an unnecessary actions that results from a bad image of mine. Sorry. Sorry for all the mistakes I've done unto you and to all the people I've known for a Long time. I'm regretting for what I'm doing for the past one month of my life. I feel Miserable. God, I'm Sorry~ I'm sorry for not going to your Sanctuary --- CHURCH.
God. I'm only hoping for One thing. Please help me to be a BETTER person this time. I don't want to be like this anymore. With the help of your Guidance and Giving a hand to me, I'll be a better. I'll help myself also. Iloveyou God. :)
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