At my brother's request and his neighbor's behest, I rented out my apt in Spain where I have been living 14 years and returned to the US to be closer to our mother. The transition requires that we all be flexible as we have not lived near one another for many, many years. Also, living in Spain has influenced me; I act in accordance with that culture. God is able to smooth transitions. Pray that all goes well, that according to St. Francis Assisi's prayer, to be understood, I understand. I love my family and I love my peace of mind. Let God richly give us both. May my tolerance be increased, see paths to use my Spanish language skills and speak less than I listen. Amen.
In the face of aging, moves from foreign lands and family re-integration, let me be considerate of the crosses of others that have long been there during my sixteen year absence. I have ideas from other lands. Some may be open to these ideas; others may shun them. Neither decision has an impact on my being a child of a living God. He sent me there, stayed with me and brought me back to help as I can and according to His will. Let serenity triumph.
I ask that all of those facing dementia, senility, nostalgia for better economic days, high electricity bills, deception with two party politics join me in praying that the pain required to free us from all bondage serve a greater purpose. Let this pain be so that those to come on the other end have peace, a god, and stronger family ties without ADD medicine, bipolar diagnoses, and fragmented families. Let kick the can satisfy. Let technology make our lives more convenient not full of car wrecks, texting addicts or Facebook freaks. Let us all go back to saying hello upon entering, asking how the person in front of us is doing in a caring compassionate manner. Let us listen with compassion. Let us say goodbye to anything that impedes better human relations. Amen.....A women.....or a Holy Spirits.
Please pray for the family of my eldest paternal aunt who died last month, suffering few days. In addition, my maternal family faces health issues now. I seek to remain strong, not sad, only reflective and that I put the best face possible in the face of illness and death. Comfort counts on all sides. Let me grow from the experience and have no regrets for any action at the casket. Show me your way, Heavenly Father, as I re-integrate into some place close to where I was born. That town exists in name only. I beseech you to influence my thoughts, decisions and intuitions. Give me a little more patience each day, more resistance to gossip and naysayers, and a glimmer of light on the next Step where you are leading. Thank you. I love Gary. I love Gary. I will serve.
Holy Spirit, You are the Potter, we are your clay. I request prayer for Nina Bice, Billy J. Griffin, D. Eric McDavid, K. Blankenbecler, Rob Griffin, Buffy, Josie, her grandmother, Jay and all depressed, frenzied folks during this Advent season. Take it easy.
Please pray for my Mother and brother as their insurance plans are complicated. Pray that my talents are used to benefit others as they explore travel and language skills within and outside the US. Pray that those in Twelve Step programs will remain sober and grow sober during the holidays.
Our God is our Potter, we are the clay. May your holidays be blessed and free from familial frustrations, addictive substances to calm nerves, economic struggles due for some to SNAP cutbacks. I am sober since 5 August 2010, have a spiritual sponsor in the Episcopalian church and act out Step 12 as often as possible. I pray that I can overcome complexes due to effeminity, called metrosexual, in the cities where I have lived for 33 years. I am currently doing research in a small town near the North Carolina border and am called faggit (sic), foreigner for supporting the current Administration, and ridiculed when I buy breakfast for male addicts. Let Thy will be done. Blessed be you all.
Prayer warriors, please pray for me as I undergo the transition of moving back to the US and the area where I grew up. Moves can be stressful, but with God's strength, I can face the challenge, grow and help others later who face this challenge. I will be looking for a job, further my education or both. For that, I also request prayers. Thank you.
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