Pamela Roseboom
Pamela Roseboom
Apr 5, 2021

Please don't give up, there is always hope. DANIEL in the lions den and in the fire the King threw him into prayed this: "Hear, oh God, my prayers. Look with favor on my pain. Hear and act, don't delay. For I bear thy name." I know it's difficult, I've been there, but just keep moving along, just to make it through. Try not to focus on the negative things you feel, try each moment, each day, to look around and see the positive. Help those in need, they are all around us. Be willing to look outside yourself and be a positive spirit no matter what you are feeling at the moment. I'm not saying fake it, I'm saying, keep a positive mindset. With every negative thought, cancel it out with a positive one instead. Positive energy attracts positive energy, it's a scientific fact. Use that energy and you will start to see the little things that God has already blessed you with, that you have been so wrapped up in the negative that you have failed to see. And when you can, please seek out medical help. Anti-depressants do help, it just takes trial and error to get the right ones. It's a process. One that takes time. I have a husband that has Schizophrenia with extreme depression and mood swings. He self medicated for years with drugs and alcohol but until he got his medication right, he put me through hell where I wanted to kill myself to end the pain. You've already prayed. Keep on praying but try thanking God for the positive things you've been over looking and if you are willing to believe, you will begin to see God's blessings in your life and improve. Keep the faith, dude, and never give up! KIA KAHA- be FOREVER STRONG! Draw on the Lord's Spirit for strength. You can make it through!! I believe in you, and so does God, even if you don't believe in yourself!! You got this. I'll be praying for you, too.