May 24, 2023
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023

Prayer Request

After three failed marriages and three children from three different men ever since I was 15, each and every-time my spouse was unfaithful to me, first when I was 19 with my first child’s father, then with my second child’s father at 24, and last but not least when I was 27 with my last child’s father. I left them all when I found out they were cheating. I thought something must be wrong with me. I felt unworthy like I couldn’t even be a daughter of God or an actual Christian because I had three different husbands and felt my world came to an end. I had given up… I thought for a moment once again I’d found the one after all this, because this man accepted me with all 3 of my children and for me I was never going to be in a relationship again, once again I believed the Lord had brought me through so much that he sent someone one last time. This person was not only unfaithful he was unfaithful with my best friend of 20 years and also my little sister. I have endured hurtful things in life, but this, this made me feel beyond worthless and I wanted to take my own life. God calls us to forgive, but didn’t know how, how could I let go of something so hurtful? God had other plans and all those who tried to hurt me today I still don’t speak to, and I gained the courage to also leave my abusive relationship and left with my children who were 14,17 and 25 at the time across the United States. During these travels God sent me my boss, a Christian family man who has a wife who is a prayer warrior to lift me up and help me and my family. It was a blessing for us to say the least. But I still didn’t feel worthy, I felt as if though even my bosses wife would think I was some whore who had different children with different dads and wouldn’t want me around her husband or make me feel less than in some way. I’m still a part of wedding groups, bridal groups in Facebook and I don’t know if I just sit there and torment myself but I’m 44 and there is nothing in this lifetime that I wouldn’t give to experience true love and a God loving marriage some day. A Godly man that loves God before himself and before me. Loves his wife as Christ loved his church. I ask today for prayers of forgiveness within my own heart because I know prayer works where one or more come together and am thankful for you reading and listening to my prayer request. Blessings to all of you.

May 23, 2023
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.