Ruthie Lewis
Ruthie Lewis
Feb 15, 2023
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Ruthie Lewis
Dec 3, 2015


Good Morning.. Everyone. I Pray that You Al Had A Wonderful Thanksgiving and that This Years Holiday Season Bring You and Your Family Much Love, Joy, and Happiness, All that Your Hearts Desire..
..Today's Daily Word, really hit home for me.. as I read out loud to myself.. *GOD'S PERFECT TIMING* keep ringing in my head.. Being me, I tried to rush and do God's Will, I stepped in the way of what His Plan was..the end result was::
MY FEELINGS BEING HURT.. I Hurt my Own Feelings..
....GOD had already told me.. "I Got This, Have a Seat and Let Me WORK" but!! the human in me couldn't wait.. I had to intercede for God..and again GOD Said.. "Have a Seat, I Got This" only the 2nd time, it was so loud, so clear, but again the human, the Ruthie in me, couldn't wait... I wrestled with the problem, I couldn't sleep, things kept coming to me that worried me and troubled my soul, and yet!! "God Whispered"
"I Told You, I Got This, go sit down someplace and let Me Work"
.....So I seat down for a while, but you know the best of me got to me.. and I had to interfere again, only this time GOD said, "What Have I Told you?" and this time God said, "Okay! You think you can handle it, Go Ahead"...That's when my feelings got all tangled up, messed up, and hurt..What I thought was a simple act of research and gathering information for my own good, really turned out BAD!! It Hurt My Feelings, It caused me to Cry Harder than I've ever cried before. I set in my back room and cried for what seemed like all day, I cried for a few days more, the hurt just wouldn't go away..
..That's when God said.."Have You had enough?" "Are You Done Doing My Business?" "Can I Do What I Know To DO?"..
...That's when I fully surrendered it to GOD..That's when my tears dried, That's when my sleep came back..
.."GOD'S TIME is NOT Our Time".. In His Perfect Way, He Will Do What He Promised..He will do what he says..
...Getting out of God's way may seem hard because of the human nature in us, we have a need to work things out that are not meant for us to handle by ourselves. But it is when we truly GIVE IT OVER to JESUS..When we fully LET GO and LET GOD, Things fall into place...
Lord it is my prayer that we can learn to truly Let Go and Let You Have Your Way, in our daily lives, every step that we take, Lord Divining Ordered by You..
‪#‎Psalm‬ 119:133-Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
‪I know it's a long read, but I pray that it can be of help to some one else going through right now.. You Are Not Alone..I'll pray for you, and ask that you pray for me. GOD can Change Things..