Kimber Behunin
Kimber Behunin
Oct 2, 2015

Prayer Request

I am suffering from the disease of addiction. Ever since I was 18 years old this disease has caused me to lose myself along with everyone else I have ever lived in my life. Now at age,37 I have had 6 kids which I have custody of none of them. I live with shame regret and sorrow for the life I have lived the way I have hurt my children parents family and friends. I can't seem to forgive myself for the hurt and pain I have caused to myself and others. I am not accepting the fact that I will not raise my children and that I will not be able to be their mommy day to day. I also an filled with sadness for what I have done to them and the effect my bad choices have now permanently changed their lives. The life I live still controls me every moment of each day in negative ways. I need to forgive medals and find a purpose or better yet my purpose for being here in this earth. Please pray for me and my soul that I may find my purpose and that may find in myself the forgiveness I need to move forward with my life. That this disease will no longer control me my mind my body or my soul. That I will find freedom from active addiction and become the woman I was out on this earth to be. That some way somewhere I will see the light that shines for me. That u will heal and become whole and no longer be a hostage to this disease. Lord set me free from my negative beliefs and feelings I have about myself and that I will see the daughter of God that I am. Please pray for my children and that they to Erik heal from this addiction that has caused them great sorrow and loss. That I will be able one day be a positive influence and person in their lives. That they will not be permanent hanged because of my choices. Please I beg pay for them and their recovery that they will will happy full lives.

Kimber Behunin
May 21, 2014

Prayer Request

\Hi I am a single mother of three. I struggle with addiction and due to my addiction my children have been removed and put in states custody. I want to overcome my addiction and be the best mom the best woman I can be, next week on the 29th is my permanancey hearing. With CPS/DCFS AT THIS HEARING IT WILL BE DECIDED WHETHER OR NOT I SHOULD BE GIVEN A SIX MONTH EXTENSION AND STILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE MY CHILDREN BACK IN MY HOME IN MY CARE. Or if they should be adopted. My kids are my life yes I have made some mistakes but I know it would not be the right decision for their lives to have them adopted out, I have a 9 year old son 6 year old daughter and a 2 year old daughter, I am finally getting everything stable a new home with a safe environment a job and Im going through voc rehab so i can go back and finish school. That way i will have a career and more financial stabilty. I can do this I want to stay clean and change my life forever. PLEASE PRAY THAT MY CHILDREN WILL HAVE PEACE AND COMFORT DURING THIS PROCESS PLEASE PRAY THAT THE JUDGE WILL HAVE AN OPEN MIND AND A SOFT HEART WHERE HE WILL KNOW THAT I HAVE MADE MISTAKES BUT I AM LEARNING FROM THEM. THAT HE WILL HEAR MY PLEA MY REQUEST AND GRANT MY EXTENTION. PLEASE PRAY THAT I WILL HAVE THE STRENGTH THE ENDURANCE THE WANT AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE MY LIFE FOREVER FOR THE BETTER AND THAT I MAY BE THE MOTHER AND THE WOMAN I WAS PUT ON THIS EARTH TO BE, PLEASE PRAY THAT EVIL AND UNHOLY INFLUENCES WILL NOT CROSS MY PATH THAT I WHEN IN TIMES OF STRIFE AND TURMOIL WILL HAVE THE COPING SKILLS AND THE WANT TO CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY. THAT GOOD PEOPLE WILL BE PLACED IN MY LIFE AND THAT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST AND OUR HEAVENLY FATHER i WILL BECOME WHOLE. THAT MY CHIILDREN MAY RETURN HOME TO ME A STABLE HEALTHY MOMMY FOR THEM. THAT I WILL FEEL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT OF OTHERS AROUND ME AND I WILL NOT FALTER OR SEEK OUT HARMFUL OR DISTRUCTIVE THINGS PEOPLE OR BEHAVIORS ANYMORE. THAT I WILL FEEL THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST AND BE STRENGTHNED BY HIM AND THE ATONEMENT THAT I WILL BE ABLE TO OVERCOME THIS ADDICTIVE PAST LIFE AND THAT I WILL HATE THE SIN (DRUGS AND ALCOHOL)AND NOT THE SINNER(me). I ask of this humbly with all the pure intent i posses. Please pray for me and my little family that we will be back together and that we will have the peace and happiness we so desire together as a family. PLEASE PRAY FOR US.....thank you