Jan Davis
Jan Davis
Oct 30, 2019

Prayer Request

Hi I come here again to ask for prayers for my mom. She wanted me to do that for her. I'm just at lost to how to help her. Please pray for Thelma Allen. She have been bedridden for so long. By doing that now she getting where she can't go to her potty chair. It bothers me so because she won't let people come into the home to help her. She don't want to go to the hospital for fear of never coming out of it. I make suggestions but she said that's not going to do her no good. She want to believe that God will heal and touch her. I want to believe that too, but sometimes you have to do some things to help yourself. What I mean I wish she would let me research about getting a nurse to come in her home to help her. Nowadays you can go online and see reviews about places and people etc. But she don't want no part of that. Even though my 2 older brothers live with her, the thing is they both are disabled like she is. One brother that needs a hip replacement and barely can walk. One brother that is mentally disabled and some things he just don't understand and he have his mental issues. They all need prayers. Then me myself I am handicap and got my autistic grandson that I care for while my daugther works. She can't afford a baby sitter but I manage and rather for him to be with me.

I am just torn you know it wreck me mentally about my mom she don't want any outside help. She just says pray for her and I do and I come here too to ask you all to pray for her. I know a lot of you probably have seen my prayers request. I hate to be a bother you know but please keep her in prayers. I don't know how to help her. She says she is tired of being sick and can't do for herself. But, she don't trust strangers coming into her home so we can't get outside help for her. It's just heart wrenching to say the least I don't know what to do. But please keep her in prayers that she will get strength or change her mind about getting outside help to come in to help her get up and get around.

Jan Davis
Oct 2, 2019

Prayer Request

Hi I am here asking for prayers for my daugther Janay. She is 29 and earlier this year she move out on her own for the first time in her life. My grandson that is hers he pretty much stays with me while she works. She is feeling overwhelmed with paying bills, rent etc. Now she see how it is in the real world and not living with momma anymore. I want to see her make it. Today she had a full on panic attack while leaving from work. My grandson father that use to be her fiance had call her with bad news. He no longer will be able to carry my grandson on his health insurance that was through his job. He was fired, he is bipolar and have problems himself just trying to maintain employment because of being out with dealing with his mental health. With all the bills my daugther have to pay now she will have to put my grandson on her health insurance when she can. She already stressing over things as it is. She was not wise when she moved out, she should had waited to buy stuff for her place. When I moved out at 18 with my older brother we could not afford furniture, washer and dryer, and couch etc. We just made sure we had beds, refrigerator and stove. Anything else we was not able to buy yet. I told my daugther I think she doing too much over extending herself in credit and now all these bills along with rent, water, car, health insurance and credit bills is causing panic attacks especially after her ex call her to tell he can't help anymore. So everything weighs on her. I never did have father of my 2 kids help me so that's all i knew is to do it all myself and I manage there was some bad times and great times but I made it through it.

Right now she on the edgy side. Please pray with me that God will see her through this that he will make a way for her to make it. She trying to find a second job, but no luck. My grandson is autistic and now he have no health insurance. I try to help her by him living here with me. But I'm not able to buy food and diapers he needs. He is 5 years old but is autistic and still don't understand potty training. There is so much I can do moneywise because I'm disabled and on a small disability. But I will take my last little bit of money and buy diapers and food when she not able to. This is a learning lesson for her, hate to see her go through it but sometimes you have to see for you can hopefully become wiser in life. She should had waited to get stuff for her home but young and think got to have it all or something or live a certain way. But please pray for her that she will find a way to help her, maybe a part time job or something. Sad her ex can't maintain employment because of his mental health problems so now he trying to get disability but in the meantime he not able to help her any with their son. Financially he was not helping on with insurance but now not even that. As a mom I want to reach out and make it all better. She was with me 29 years and we are best friends not just mom and daugther. But I know some things you have to go through life in order for you to learn a lesson. Please pray God will help her and keep the faith and never give up. My heart drop as I talked to her today trying to calm her and assure her that God will make a way for her. I know he will for I can testify to that. There have been many times as a young single mom with 2 kids that I was at the end of my rope but God made a way and he will for her too.

Sorry for the long book but I felt the need to talk and want people to understand what is going on for can pray for her, ok. Thank you in advance for your prayers. God bless us all.