Jan Davis
Jan Davis
Jun 19, 2014

Prayer Request

I need prayers, lots of prayers for strength, for to calm my nerves, for me to keep the faith that God will bring me through this victorious, ok. Right now I feel sad, kind of low and nervous ok. I went to one ENT last month that is ear, nose, throat doctor ok. I have nasal polyps since 1995 had only one, no biggie than was not cancerous and could be treated with medicine. So on and off over the years I dealt with it.

Then this year notice another polyp or growth in the same nasal passage with the other one. This one very large, Ent referred me to another Ent at hospital that can do surgery. Had Cat Scan forward to new Ent, saw him today. Can't perform surgery until further testing, see a mass in sinus cavity not sure what it is? So more testing, before can perform any kind of surgery. Always risk in surgery but had to tell me possible loss of eye sight on the right or brain problems. LOrd Jesus I rebuke those thoughts! Don't want to believe that ok, doctor said its a low risk for that happening, ok. Just praying that the mass is fluid and nothing serious like cancer. Can't do surgery until find out thngs and still can't do until have doctor clearance by my doctor that my heart, lungs or that I'm physical to do this since years ago had some heart problems and suffer with high blood pressure.

Ok sorry to be long, but I just run my chops a lot because I want to be understood that's all for you all can pray for me. I just had grand son few months ago, I got to stay well to help my daughter with her first child. Please pray for me that everything be fine, that I can take this MRI I have problems with that stuff, ok. Pray that testing will show nothing serious and that I will be able to do the needed surgery to remove these polyps with no prayers. Lots of prayers needed, I truly believe reaching out and having others christians praying for you, helps a great deal. In Jesus name I pray. Thanks for your prayers!

Jan Davis
May 25, 2014

Prayer Request

Desparetly need people to agree with me in prayers for my mom Thelma. She suffers with so much sickness and is pretty much confined to her bedroom at her home. She is 76 years old, even though my two older brothers stay there with her and suppose to help her, she feels so alone. They just lack love and compassion and one treats her badly at times, I can't talk to him if I do I am call every name in the book. Unfortunately, he is mean, verbal abusive like our father was, thank God he is not physically abusive like he was ok. But I hate I can't care for my mom, I am disabled myself, we all are. I wish she would allow a nurse to come in but she won't, she don't like strangers in her house and don't trust them.

Please pray that God will give her the strength to do for herself, that is what she wants the most for she won't have to be asking my brothers for to fix or go get her food at times. She want to be able to be as she once was and to be able to walk to go downstairs like she use to. My mom use to teach piano, garden, cleaning, doing her hair, she use to be very active around the house, she even took care of my bedridden step father for 10 years before he pass on. Please give her the strength to keep on living and can care for herself. Please touch my brothers hearts that they will be more patient, kind, considerate, lovable to her. She needs that the most to want to keep on living, right now she is depressed and sometimes don't want to go on because of how my brothers treat her. My mom was and is a great mom to all of her children and took care of us when we needed it most when we was sick, now she is sick and my brothers sometimes just don't treat her right. It breaks my heart and its like nothing I can do, God please help us in Jesus name we pray. Thank you!