Genevieve Rose
Genevieve Rose
Apr 13, 2021

Dear Freda, fear and anxiety are weapons of the enemy and FEAR is like a giant magnet and pulls what you fear into your reality. You have nothing to fear say the Jesus prayer over and over again. Jesus I trust in you. Each morning when you wake up and each night before you sleep talk to your Guardian Angel and teach this prayer to your son. Angel of God my guardian dear to whom God's love commits me here ever this day(night) be at my side to love and guard to rule and guide Amen. Then call on St Michael the Arkangel in Jesus name to break bind and cast to the foot of the cross all ancestral chains and generational spirits, to protect us in the hour of battle against the wickedness and snares of the devil and evil spirits that roam the earth looking for vulnerable souls to devour, and please St Michael silence our enemies. Thankyou. I also consecrate my children and myself to the blessed Holy Virgin Our Mother given to us when Jesus was dyeing on the cross and St Joseph foster father of Jesus Christ on earth, provider, protector for guidance and rule over our lives please pray for us and lead us to the sacred heart of thy divine son and through him to the father. Thankyou Amen. Then I try to remember to offer my day for the conversion of souls and repentance of sins. Try to forgive this woman and say a prayer for her. I know its hard and you dont have to do it all at once you could just ask Jesus to help you. Concerning the Job, I know you really want it but dont close yourself off because God may have bigger and better plans for you and if he does it will be much better then anything we can think of so remain open. I raised my 4 children with no financial assistance from the dads. They all went to private schools and God kept opening doors and providing everything. Jesus I trust in you, everytime you have a negative thought which is from the enemy say the prayer. Godbless you and your son.

Genevieve Rose
Apr 11, 2021

How much time are you spending each day in prayer? Do you remember each day to bless your children. With your thumb make a little sign of the cross on their forehead for protection. In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Are you or anyone you know using God's name in vain. E.g. Oh my G.. This is disrespectful and it says in the Bible will not go unpunished and little children repeat it and it is written anyone who teaches my little ones to sin will be punished. When you sit at the table to eat, do you all wait for everyone to sit before anyone starts, this is respectful and is also written in the Bible, and the reason we give thanks and ask God to bless our meal is to protect us from any unforseen bacteria or harm that could come from the food. God really wants a relationship with us, and that means getting our priorities in order. God must come before all else and we must make time for him. At least 15mins everyday. We must also make time after we have prayed to be silent and listen otherwise we will not hear the still small voice of God. This is a learning a gift from the Holy Spirit, it does not mean we will hear a voice everytime we are silent listening but we need to learn this discipline so that when we need an answer to prayer or direction from God we will hear it. Everyday we need to examine our conscience to see if we need to ask forgiveness of sin. We're we angry, jealous, prideful, did we wish for something someone else had. Did we swear, become impatient act selfishly, be lazy, watch something we shouldn't, did we gossip or run someone down, if we don't spend enough time in prayer nothing will change. The more time we spend with God the more he fills us with his Holy Spirit and draws close to us and don't forget to read his word just start with a paragraph, it's not easy to pray or read his word, when you first start you need to push yourself and there will be many distractions, but I promise you the rewards will come and your life will be so very different. In less then 4 weeks you will see change. Love to you and yours and many blessings. Light the fire within you.