Elizabeth Kaisser
Elizabeth Kaisser
Aug 27, 2017

Prayer Request

I just would like to pray for the heart that isn t weak but, kind, and subtle, delicate sweet, and sensitive. I have experiences not getting a job., and it felt realy sad and It made me believe I am a person not suitable for what is out in society. I asked magazines, stores, wrote aplied, was kind,and nothing happened, then it happened I got broke,and just before I fell ill of it be left outfitt, I do not think I was a bad person not getting the job, just I felt they need real egos out there, and people that do not share of themselves and simply aren t developed , my fam. calls me even, parasite of society, I couldn t go deeper to this feeling of being shut out by all this negativity feeling to the heart and mind, caused. other than practising and working my talents while experiencing this. and almost none support, told my exceptional tallen me for this wow, you do this great, and even there I experience this fight for either making it or not making out from others. So I also feel today that many sweet souls got that blame, of not fitting in the hard fists of society that also sometimes appear verry negative to what I have seen,that sometimes make people even sick and got to take care of their health I love health, something I have seen from times to times. anyhow, I do not want to be called the non or missfitt, since I have a big understanding for the human psychology. and am still kind. Please pray for me to get me a job I got lifemerits,, and that it suceeds, and I will put some effort and not give it up. sometimes I got a feeling that people that aren t worth something is getting that job, .... should it then be more difficult for me and be left outside to the crap of the society?,,,,let s be kind, and understanding instead of horrors.