Been feeling sad for the past couple of days. Just pray that things will get better and that my prayers will come true, especially now since so many things are happening right now and I just want to be happy.
Been praying over and over and over again, things just seem to be spiraling downhill. I just don't know what to do anymore. The things I have been praying for hasn't come true and there are certain things that I really need answers. I pray that God can help me in my time of need and pray that He can help me with my prayers as I need him now more than ever.
Just another day, feeling the same as before. Not sure what to do. I feel horrible, stressed, and depressed all at the same time. I'm very frustrated right now and that I am really angry at myself as well. Praying for the things that I have been praying before and that better things may happen for me.
God, it seems like everything is going downhill for me. Friends, love life, school, job, everything. I pray that better things will happen for me and that I really need your help God. I just pray for better things to happen. I feel so depressed and lonely. I need you God.
God, I don't know anymore. I've been praying and praying and that I have been feeling worse about myself than before. I feel so alone and that my life is falling apart. I pray for relationship with people, parents, transferring schools, job, friends, health, and this special someone in my life that I have feelings for and hope that she feels the same way about me since she makes me try and to do my best in life. I just pray for all these things that are happening at the moment.
Praying for transferring to a 4 year school this fall, job, my relationships with people and family, health, and that my parents can change from their stubborn ways of doing things. Also pray for my relationship with this special someone that I have strongest feelings for.
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