Wendy Welch Baker

Prayer Request

Thank You God for all u have blessed me with!! I am forever grateful!! God I know that you make our lives as you want them to be an it is our choice if we follow the correct path!! God I know I havent always made the right choices an the right decisions an for that I am so sorry & beg for your forgiveness!! God please watch over everyone that needs you in their lives right now an bless people that are less fortunate than others I know I am blessed to have what I have in my life an for who you have brought into my life!! God please watch over me an help me thru this life I have! God please bless me with finances I need to live in this world dear God!! I am not asking you to just give me all the money in the world at my feet I know I must earn everything I get an I just need your help God to find the best way to earn the finances I must have to survive in this world!! God please answer the unspoken request that I have as well as the unspoken request of many tonight God!! Please watch over all the lil innocent children in this world God that arent fortunate enough to have a loving home with two loving parents with plenty of food to eat an nice clothes an shoes to wear dear God an make sure they have a nice warm place to lay their lil heads at night to dream of wonderful lil things kids dream of!! God I am not a great person I try to help anyone God that I can help an I love to help people God an I do it with a open heart an free will I dont do it looking for something in return !! God if you see fit please God help me with everything thats going on in my life no one knows better than you as to what all my needs are God!!! I know I am not always grateful or as grateful as I should be an for that I am sorry an I promise to try an do better an with your help I can do it!! Please watch over the sick an the unhealthy my God an help them an make them well again so they may live out their lives with their families!!! I love u God an I will always be in ur debt God for all things!! God please see fit that I get all I need an deserve God to live my life here on this planet until u see time to call us all home to be with u!! An give me the knowledge God to know the right from the wrong an the ability to read an understand ur word God!! Love you God!! Thank U Thank U!!!!Amen Amen!!

Wendy Welch Baker
Nov 23, 2013

Prayer Request

I want to first THANK GOD for everything he has done for me!!! An thanks to everyone that has taken time out of their day to pray for me!! But I also need pray today !! I know that I have prayed several times for help financial help an I seem to always need help with that!! God I know u will do what u see fit for me an my life & I never doubt that you will take care of me God!!! It is just so tiring having to worry all the time about how an when I am going to be able to pay for my bills!! An I also know we arent suppose to worry but I am just a natural worrier God!!! I really need help my God it is Christmas time an I know it isnt about the gifts an stuff but I would love to be able to buy my son gifts an the way I am right now Gods I cannot !! I am lucky if I can keep my lights turned on to light a tree!! I know there are ppl out in this world who have worse problems than I God an I hate to complain an go on about money!! I am so blessed to have what I have I have a roof over my head an clothes to wear an shoes on my feet!! An I am so grateful for all I do have God thank you so much!!! I really am thankful for all I have I may not always show it or say it but God I am so so blessed!!! An I know I should be happy with what I have an I am its just we all know that money makes this old world go round!!! An God I know you can do anything an all things !! But everyone please pray that God will see me thru this an bless me with the funds am in need of !! An God please pray for each an every person that has taken time to read an pray for me!! Am God please bless all the homeless ppl during this holiday season God & make sure they are able to get in out of the cold weather !!! Thank you to everyone an thank you dear God for all you have given me & all you have done for me an cont to do for me!! I love You