Wendy Welch Baker
Wendy Welch Baker
Nov 18, 2013

Prayer Request

Could everyone please pray for me I am in financial need badly!! An I am sure there are alot of people in the world that are in worse shape than I am an I pray that God helps each an everyone of them . I also want to let everyone know that God Has blessed me so much this week he performed a miracle in my life an I am not going to say just what but he knows what an thats all that matters!!!! God I thank u so so much for the blessing u performed in my life I know that without u the out come would have never been as great as it was THANK YOU GOD!!! I have had so many blessings in my life an God has provided each an everyone an I am truly grateful!! Thats why I feel a little bad to be already asking for another blessing already but I know it doesnt matter to our all mighty awesome God!!! I know I worry alot an stress out over financial needs an it is not because I dont trust that he will take care of them its just that I worry all the time!!! I know that God can an will do all he can to make sure his children have everything they need an most times what they want!! God please forgive me for all the sins I have done an please forgive me I mean this from the depths of my heart!! God you know better than anyone what a difficult time I am having an I know that all I have to do is turn my needs an worries over to you an You will take care of them all!! I love an appreciate each an every person that says a prayer for me an I will be praying for all of you !! Please keep me in your thoughts an prayers as u go thru out ur day an pray that God will answer my prayers an your prayers as well!!!! Love Alll of You!! An God I love an appreciate each an every thing you do for me from the smallest to the greatest!!!! Love U

Wendy Welch Baker
Oct 10, 2013

Prayer Request

I am asking everyone that can please pray for me I am going thru some really trying time right now!! I know that almost everyone is having financial problems right now an I am no different but I need God's help I am in a bad time God!! I have got more on me right now than I can give out! I know that God will help us thru each an every trial I just need help ASAP! An I also know that help comes in his time when he decides it is time!! God could you please make it time right now? I have some things that are past due right now that I have to pay God Please Please help me!!! An God thank you so very much for all the blessings you have given me an all the wonderful ppl that u brought in my life!! I am truly grateful for each an every thing you have given me an each day you give me to continue on in this world!!! God please watch over the sick God an make them better ! God help ppl in need of finances same as myself God!! God bless the homeless with a warm place to lay down at night! God I know all things are possible all things!!! An we just have to believe in you an trust that you will help us thru anything!! God I trust you an believe in you God I know you can do anything ! I give you my heart God an you do what you see fit God!! An God I know all I seem to do is ask for your help but God I do love you with all my heart God!! Thank you so so much God!! I love you our all mighty God an without you God I am nothing so please God always stay by my side an lead me thru these trying times God an please God help me see that there is a way thru all things so as you are with me!! Thanks anyone out there that has read this an taken time to pray for me it is greatly appreciated!!! Amen