I'd like to as for prayers of healing. One of my employees is unaware I know of his terminal condition. He is not wishing to receive treatment, I believe due to depression and the loss of his father earlier this year. He wants no one to know, nor was he willing to accept medical treatment when it was offered free of charge. My understanding is it is suspected to be colon cancer and he may have less than 3 months to live. He is struggling with his loss of his father and a broken relationship with his mother and I believe he feels this is a way out. I do not not know his relationship with God, so I also pray for his salvation and acceptance of Jesus if this is the path he chooses.
I have finally started to use prayer in my life after being away from both God and the church for a long time. I am taking baby steps, and the next step I want to take is to pray for these things that I have believed (and still do) that I am not worthy of having answered.
1. I pray for healing of my lungs, my heart, my body over all. I do not even know what all my ailments are, but they are are many.
2. For financial rescue, especially for the removal of negative credit that was due to identity theft that the credit issuer refuses to remove through faulty information.
3. For the guidance on how to pursue a business opportunity, should I or should I not take over the business which I work for? The uncertainty has me scared and I am looking for God's guidance and His will for this endeavor.
4. For direction and God's will on my current relationship. Is it or is it no longer worth fighting to save. I feel so much division and wish to make a lifetime commitment, but feel doubts on the longevity and am looking for God's plan on how to proceed.
5. Simply to feel more clarity in my spiritual life, prayers, and to feel God's movement in my daily life. I would love to recognize those things happening around me and give thanks for those things I know God is doing for me. So I am also praying for more spiritual awakening and thanksgiving for the gifts I am receiving.
6. Mercy and Wisdom
I have court this morning for 2 criminal charges that I did NOT commit...I have a good lawyer but am still naturally nervous. God knows I am innocent, but I would still like to request prayers for strength and to ease my nervousness and dispell my fears of "what if". Thank you :-)
I have been struggling with my blood pressure and some type of unknown lung issue since I've stopped smoking 4 years ago. I have not been diagnosed by any doctors as I don't have inurance. Plase pray my blood pressure regulates as well as my lung condition improves. Also, please pray for my salvation. I know God loves me but I feel like such an awful sinner that God couldn't possibly want me. I just need prayer for my relationship with Him to grow stronger, my faith to improve, and my worries and trust to be with God
I pray for many things. I pray that God will help my heart and eyes be open to his Will, that I will not take my own path in life, but instead clearly see his guidance and follow His lead. I pray that some type of solution will be found for replacing my income since I am losing my unemployment starting tomorrow with the new N.C. law change. I pray that others who are suffering my same fate will also be saved by the grace of God. I pray that I may help others and openly see their struggles and needs and never hesitate to lend a helping hand. Finally, I pray that God will open the heart of Angie, that her bi-polar/ADD situation may be either cured or brought under control so that we may try to work on our relationship again. I do love her with all my heart, and I pray that His presence in her life will allow her to fell "normal" again so that we may work through our situation. I pray that she continues to draw herself closer to me as she has started to a few days ago. Please bless the fruits of our labor so that one day we may finally become husband and wife. I pray for all these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!
That I may be blessed with the money to fill my truck with gas and buy a little food. Please pray God will bless me with enough yo survive with the little I have. I also ask for continued prayers that God will fix my relationship so that we may be back together once again.
I ask for continued prayer for my ex who is going through a very rough time. I pray that the Lord will bring us back together as either friends or together as a couple. I still love her very much, but I also pray that the Lord's will be done and not my own. I can only pray that He will allow her back into my life and that our relationship can start again fresh with His blessing. If it is in God' will, one day I would like to be married to her. I have found the love I have always searched for with her, please pray that that the obstacles that are keeping us apart will be removed and we can one day be together again.
I recently lost my job, now I have also lost my unemployment. I have been without any type of income for nearly a month. I have job applications submitted, and even took the LSAT test for admission into law school. The problem is I feel very lost and confused and obviously anxious about my future. I need prayers for guidance on if I should go to law school (I'm worried I may not enjoy it from research I have done). I also need help finding a steady income in order to keep paying my bills and survive. I have no more resources, no savings, and at this very moment, literally less than $10 in total to my name. I need prayers also for clarification on a former relationship that I have been hoping rekindles again. For 2 years we tried to make it work, but due to no fault of our own, we just could not be together due to the situation. Now we could be together, but she is going through a lot and has requested space from me. She has also been told she may be bipolar on a recent doctors visit. I pray she finds the love we shared so that one day I can make good on the promise I made to her to make her my wife. I still love her with all my heart and would love nothing more than to marry her. However, I feel that God has a lot of work to do with me before I am ready or fit to be with her again. I pray that He will work with me to fulfill His will and I will be open to any and every change necessary. I feel like I have literally lost everything, I just pray that God will bring me back up from this rock bottom a better person and that my prayers may be answered.
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