Shaun Marso
Shaun Marso
Jun 14, 2013

Prayer Request

I recently lost my job, now I have also lost my unemployment. I have been without any type of income for nearly a month. I have job applications submitted, and even took the LSAT test for admission into law school. The problem is I feel very lost and confused and obviously anxious about my future. I need prayers for guidance on if I should go to law school (I'm worried I may not enjoy it from research I have done). I also need help finding a steady income in order to keep paying my bills and survive. I have no more resources, no savings, and at this very moment, literally less than $10 in total to my name. I need prayers also for clarification on a former relationship that I have been hoping rekindles again. For 2 years we tried to make it work, but due to no fault of our own, we just could not be together due to the situation. Now we could be together, but she is going through a lot and has requested space from me. She has also been told she may be bipolar on a recent doctors visit. I pray she finds the love we shared so that one day I can make good on the promise I made to her to make her my wife. I still love her with all my heart and would love nothing more than to marry her. However, I feel that God has a lot of work to do with me before I am ready or fit to be with her again. I pray that He will work with me to fulfill His will and I will be open to any and every change necessary. I feel like I have literally lost everything, I just pray that God will bring me back up from this rock bottom a better person and that my prayers may be answered.