I have Fibromyalgia and it has been particularly bad with pain, acheyness and weakness!
Please pray for me as I am housebound and spend my days on a recliner in one degree of pain or another also I get very depressed and rely on my son for shopping and to do the chores etc. I am 77!
I`ve just read your reply Marianne as I had forgotten that I asked for prayer as my head seems almost permanently confused these days! I also have had Tinnitus for the last few months and the noises in my head/ears make things even worse! I was pleased to hear that you are praying for me and hope to feel better physically and mentally in future days! I will read and meditate on 1 Cor.13 as you suggest. Thankyou!
Please pray that my prayer life wil be enhanced!
I am finding it difficult to read God`s word and take it in! I am 77 and have many maladies including memory loss etc. I get very confused and anxious and depressed as more and more I find it harder to achieve even the necessities of life!
Is this what old age is like foreveryone?
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.
Thankyou, I am a bit better! I am not having to take somany painkillers at present although I am very depressed and out of breath when I try to do anything!