Charlynn Marseille

Prayer Request

first thing i want to thank god for everything i love you lord ! i would like a prayer i need this medical job and a side job to fellow friends please i beg of you i need this more then anything i promise if i get this job i will work so hard and wont let my father down i need this really bad im 20 something and dont got a job and cant find i will pray too i need more hands. yes i understand other people are goin thru it more then me but i need this please god i beg of you lord on my kneez. and another thing my friend that speacil friend please god i been praying for this foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lord father open my friend heart let him kno he hurt me reall bad i cant even explain in words how bad he hurt me emotional and i had soooooooooooooooooooooooo much faith into i told him no matter what thru thick and thin ill be there for him i pray he relize what he did was wrong and he makes it up to me and call or text he needs to open his eyes and see i was there for him from day 1. he needs to leave that negative girl alone for good drop her for good and come back to his best friend witch is me. fellow friends please pray for me i never went thru something like this before . is there hope ? or faith ? willl he ever relize what he did was wrong i pray he will and he will feel bad real bad and i pray he shows up to my graduation well got to leave everythin in god hands i didt derseve what he did to me please pray for me please i would very appreciative it.............mayb there would b a mircale and he will relize he want to b with me bcuz he even said it his self i care for him alot well only time will tell.......every1 said hell b bak wen he i think he wont wat i b seeing and heard well ill hang in there and keep my head held high thankyou .keep me in ur prayers plz