Dec 4, 2024

Prayer Request

God, I need you right now. Only you know my current circumstances. It seems like everything I do is never enough or never right. 
I need to deliver my little one happily and safely
I wanted to spend my ML very peacefully and alone with helpers and with my friends around me who bestow only good for me

Bala na, Harchana, Rajeswari amma, Selvi,  and Geetha are the people who keep me safe and happy.Please bless their presence throughout my delivery and postpartum to take care of my little one as my mother took care of me

I can never be free or happy with FIL,MIL .They keep passing comments and I find it difficult to ignore.It affects me as well

Please give me my little one and jaisri a happy life with me

I am praying for my well being.After suffering for 10 years, God please liberate me from this prison and tortures.

I am scared to see them and face them.I showed true love and sincere efforts for them but was brutally treated back.Please God please please take them away from me

Please God, am your child please help me.I have no one to cry apart from you

God are you hearing my prayers, please God please please help me

Years are running and I wanted to live a happy life with my husband and 2 children without any intervention, this is the only prayer am begging you for the first time.

Please God you protect us and want to live only with my husband and children like SIL

Please help me God I am deeply praying for huge miracle. God pls don't let bad things happen that was plotted by other people. I feel that there is somethings that's not right and please don't let any harm come to us. I am not praying and doing this for myself alone. You know that God. Please. In Jesus name! Amen!

Dec 4, 2024
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Dec 4, 2024
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Dec 4, 2024