We have no idea how blessed we are to know a loving God. We do not always understand His will and ways. We only know He loves us more that what our human minds can comprehend. Thank you for sharing your story. May God Almighty cover you and your family with his love. This story tonight helped me to realize how much I have to be thankful for.
My Lord and Savior. I stand before you tonight for my brother/sister as i know how this feels. You know I went through the same the last 18 months and You took my out of that workplace before it broke me. I know that when we are week you are strong. When we can no longer stand you carry us. Please be with this person God. Send Your angels so they can strengthen him/her.
Let there be light.
Before God created anything else He created light. To show us the way. To take away the fear that comes with darkness. When I was a little girl my grandmother told me that the moon is God's night light. So that there will never be complete darkness. So that we will not be afraid. So we can rest and still know He is there. I sometimes as I grew up and started to take an interest in space and cosmos and the stars wondered why He created all the splendor? A very religious christian friend of my answered my question in three words. Because He can. If you look at the fastness of space one must realize how small we are on this pale blue dot called earth. Nothing when compared to all around us. But everything in God's mind. From the beginning of creation He knew me. He placed the light there for me. So I can never be drawn into the darkness of depression. The darkness of despair. The darkness of hopelessness. I thank you my God for your love for me and every other soul on this earth.
Even in Chaos.
The Bible, our love letter from God starts with the words. In the beginning God created heaven and Earth. The earth was without form and void: and darkness was upon the face of the earth. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The where there was chaos and darkness and no form or order. Even there. God is there. The darkness and chaos in my life in nothing for the creator of light and order. He spoke light into a dark world with one sentence. He can do the same for you and me. The very first words in the Bible teach us that we are not alone. His spirit is in the dark chaos that we call our lives. He promises he will bring order. he will bring peace. We must believe that and hold unto his plan for our lives. To live a life of abundance for his glory sake only.
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I am currently unemployed and the only thing keeping me hoping is God's promises. Thank you for sharing your story.