Nov 29, 2016

Brother Vic

I been going through hell and high water for 8 years, it all started in 2007. I've endured back to back losses, setbacks, and disappointments everytime I thought things couldn't get any worse something else would happen. I lost my Ministry, Business, Job that I worked on for 25 years, I went from making 6 figures a year to nothing. I became depressed and went back to drinking and getting high.

Everybody turned their backs on me, all of my Minister Colleagues, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, family, friends. I found myself all alone with my wife and my son that has Down's Syndrome. I couldn't provide for them but they were all i had.

One day my best friend Hosea showed up, I haven't heard from him in years he was a wealthy man now and he gave me the impression that he was going to help me out. To make a long story short my wife asked me for a divorce and I thought she was just saying that out of frustration because we were struggling so bad and for so long, I never really took it serious even though she went and filed for a divorce.

She did go through with it and I still didn't take it serious because I thought if I could get myself straighten out we would get back together. When the divorce papers were served I had to get out of the house and I didn't have anywhere to go. I begged her to let me stay because it was winter, but she refused. I was devastated so my sister let me stay with her for a couple of weeks until I could get approved for Government Housing.

I lived there for a year then I got kicked out because I had someone in the house that had a restraining order on them so they took her to jail and gave me 3 days to get out. My family decided not to take me in this time, I packed everything I could get in my Van, and that was my home.

My sister that lived in Florida found out about a program there that would help someone in my situation out, so I went there and went through this Organizations 9 month program and I came back home knowing I didn't have anywhere to stay so I stayed in a homeless shelter for 3 days then I got very sick because of the change of weather, this was in February and it was very cold.

My sister let me come to her house and use her car everyday because I had to leave the homeless shelter at 8:00am every morning and couldn't come back until 5:00pm. My sister saw that I was sick so she told me to go get my things and come and stay there with her, and her son.

I found out that the reason she didn't offer me to stay with her when I got home from Florida was because her son didn't want me there. My sister had a big fallen out with her son before he would agree to let me stay there. I was so heart because this same sister and her son stayed with me in the 80's for over a year rent free, I fed them and never asked for a dime.

I cried about every night and day, I had nobody, no money. I was having trouble finding a job so my nephew started putting pressure on my sister telling her if I don't get a job soon, and if she continues to let me stay there without a job he was moving out.

My sister lives on a fixed income so she got scared that he would leave and that would leave her in a bind, she knew she couldn't make it without her son paying whatever he pays to keep the house running. My sister confronted me about not having a job yet, I over heard her talking on the phone to my other sister saying I wasn't trying to find a job, and accusing me of lying about a application I put in a Company being a Caregiver.

This Company told me that I had to have a car with insurance in my name and she accused me of lying about that because her son works in the same field but his Company didn't require such a thing. One thing led to another and I end up leaving, I had nowhere to go I felt like this is it, it's over. I told God how sorry I was but I can't take it anymore, I was contemplating suicide. I was just figuring out the best way to do it but my mind was made up.

The next day my sister called a family friend and asked if he seen me and I just happened to be there. She told him to tell me to get my butt back down there. So I went back down there and her son wasn't there, I asked her does he know you are letting me come back here to stay, and she said don't worry about him this is my house.

My nephew came home about an hour and a half after I got there and he came in the room where I was and we begin talking about me and a job. I showed him my email and my resume and pulled up all the applications I've put in with different companies. He didn't acknowledge that because he started naming fast-food restaurants telling me they are hiring.

I told him I had applications in some restaurants, and one thing led to another and we begin arguing, we both were angry. I finally told him you and your mother are telling me about everybody is saying Companies are hiring, tell these people that are telling you this to tell you, and you tell me where they're at, and I will go apply. I let them know if you guys can help me please help me and stop accusing me of not trying.

I had to explain to them it's been 32 years since I been on a job hunt if you can help me get a job I will appreciate it. I finally got a job making $8.25 an hour and everyone was happy, I began working 70 and 80 hours a week and I'm still working like that, but because I had so many debt's, creditors begin garnishing my check, I hired a lawyer to represent me and my lawyer talked them into letting me pay so much a month and they not garnish my check. I almost got the lawyer paid off to file my bankruptcy.

I said all this to say God has spared my life for a reason, now I have hope. It's not easy but I have peace, and I'm getting my Joy back. I'm lonely but that's alright, I believe that as long as I got Jesus everything is going to be alright. I'm a praying man and I thank God for Bishop T.D. Jakes He's the man that feeds my Spirit 4 - 5 times a week. God used Bishop Jake's and the Potter's House to restore my soul. I never met Bishop Jake's or been to the Potter's House, but thank God I'm streaming live every Sunday, and he upload Sermons on YouTube and sends them to my email.

Glory be to God, I'm going to make it I don't know when, and I don't know how, Hallelujah! God kept me alive for such a time as this, He saved me from the hands of the enemy, and He saved me from myself. I'm going to Praise Him no matter what comes my way. Amen! Thank you Jesus!