Prayers for my brother and his family moving into a new home this week. Thank you God for your blessings in each step of the way into the house, until the last mortgage payment and days until their departure to you in Your Will. Amen.
Thank you. I love you.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. Amen.
Dear God,
Please heal me from night dreams that show me as a person being left behind by friends at school, a person being led to outside of the group, a person who lacks capacity to get along ... these dreams are hurtful since I do not know what they mean to me.
I had been abused by groups of people and some particular types of peple who found me distasteful. I decided to let go of my anger towards them. Please grant me peace and serenity. I seek protection and deep healing from peple wounds. Thank you. Amen.
Dear God,
I pray for my inner strength and inner health against intrusive people. I am rising above their nasty comments and overstepping of boundaries each day. Thank you for making me stronger each day. I believe that You will use me for something greater cause. Thank you for creating me in Your image.
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