I need God's help, and thus.. I need your help, too. I have a collection of horrible habits I need to fix. 1. Junk food for every meal. 2. Fast food addiction. 3. Anger. 4. Depression. 5. Impatience. 6. Disconnection. 7. Distraction. 8. Whining. Please help me to pray for clearing of all these blocks. Please pray that I'll be able to fast again and it'll free me of these things. I want to be the best mother and wife that I can be but I can't do that if I'm not the best me. I can only do the best that I can do and so I want to be the best possible me so that the best I can do is the very best. Thank you for my hearing and sight, Lord. Help me use my voice and step into what you're handing me. More than anything help me connect with my children and husband. Amen.
Thank you♡
Please pray for my husband's friend's wife. She does not know Jesus and has left her husband and the three children that they share after nearly 15 years together. Lord, I pray you give her a new heart and show uo and show out in her life so that she cannot deny you exist. Lord I pray that she gives up her witchcraft, false idols and outs you above her flesh. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen. Bring her home, please, Lord.
Lord, please bless this woman with a new heart and bring to life your fruits within her. In Jesus' name, I pray. ♡ amen.
The fact that you want to do better and you are going to the Lord, means you WiLL do better. 5 years ago I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day, stayed up all night, worked all day, didn't have a life. Was not respecting or loving myself or others, had a drug dealer shady boyfriend, had super bad anxiety, was told I was bipolar and prescribed medicine, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Now..? I have a husband who is the embodiment of Love. He has shown me how to love myself. God has blessed us with two amazing children, a home, two vehicles that run, a new roof, several acres of land, the mom I always wanted, an honest family to trust and look uo to and an amazing sister-in-law. I am blessed beyond belief. It'll be two years this month that passed since I was baptized. I've never known love and blessings like I do now.. it's real. ♡ I pray you feel it soon! Amen@ ♡
Sounds like the devil's working on you over time.. You must be super important in the Kingdom of God, sister! ♡ Ignore his lies and the shadows he is throwing at you, he's throwing every thing he has because you're almost there! You're almost to the clarity of finding out who you are and living your truth for Jesus. Stay strong sister, you are never alone! ♡ You are wonderfully and fearfully made. Remember that. Own it. Explore who you were meant to be in all the ways you are so meant to be! I was there 5 years ago and I tell you.. believe it or not, it'll pass. I pray the Lord sends you good hearted people that yiu cab trust, who will raise you up and love you dearly!
Have you ever heard of this?: Whenever you wake up in the middle of the night, perhaps there is reason for it. Perhaps the Lord himself woke you in effort to have you pray for someone.. When you wake up, try praying for anyone who comes to mind before trying to go back to bed. I pray you find peace and rest. In Jesus' precious name, amen!
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.
As good as one can be when they and two little under 5 have the flu. Lol thank you for asking, how are you?
Thank you for your kind words, friend. Absolutely, I'm constantly quoting.. or well, suggesting that verse anyhow. Thank you, Mary God bless you as well! 🙏amen!