Isaiah Berger
Isaiah Berger
Nov 13, 2015

Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask that you God cast the very doubts within my head away,
I ask that you God to cast away the spirit of fear in me,
I ask that you God help me to experience Joy,
I ask that you God help me to experience Love,
I ask that you God help me to prosper,
I ask that you God help me, and keep me safe,
I ask that you God provide a means and a way to find housing,
I ask that you God mend the family wounds, the hurts, the sorrows, and the pain,
I ask that you God give me the wisdom to stand up to the trials, that may lie before me,
I ask that you God protect me in all the days of my life,
I ask that you God guide me in your direction because my direction is insufficient,
I ask you God for your forgiveness, but most of all I ask for the forgiveness of this world,
I ask that you God heal the hurting hearts in this world,
I ask that you God give all people the ability to experience your divine power, and your divine love,
I ask you God to give all people the ability to prosper from this day forward,
I ask that you Father God give people the wisdom needed to do things in your way, because your way is sufficient,
I ask you God that you bring families back together, and mend and heal all hurts,
I ask that you oh God heal all illnesses, and provide your natural cure the power of Jesus NOW.
I ask you God that you Bless, and prosper The United States of America, and all countries,
I ask you God that peace be finally established throughout the World.
I ask you God for all the leaders to experience visions and the wonders of God, and the Joy that he brings,
I ask God to bring the leaders in this lost world together, and establish a peace that will last forever.
I say this in your most precious name Lord, Amen.